Chapter 4: Sorting Ceremony

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"Hello, Neville." Lily greeted her Professor. "Lily, here I'm, Professor Longbottom." He told her "Right." She said, looking down "Sorry, Professor." "It's ok." He told her "Welcome, first years, in 5 minutes you will walk through these doors and will be sorted into your houses. There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. While you are here your house will be like your family, your triumphs will gain you points, any rule breaking and you will lose points."

As Professor Longbottom left they head a voice say, "Well, well." It was a girl with Green eyes and Blonde hair. "Harry Potter's daughter has come to Hogwarts." "Leave me alone." Lily told her. "What only saying Hi." Said the girl "My names, Mia, by the way, Mia Taylor." "Cool, well, you know my name, I guess." Lily told her as Professor Longbottom came out. "We're ready for you." He said and he led them into the Great Hall.

Professor Longbottom leads them near the Sorting Hat before it began to sing. "In times of old when I was new and Hogwarts barely started, the founders of our noble school thought never to be parted, United by common goal they had the selfsame yearning, to make the worlds best magic school and pass along their learning, 'Together we will build and teach,' the four good friends decided, said Slytherin, 'We'll teach those whose ancestry is purest,' said Ravenclaw, 'We'll teach those who intelligence is surest,' said Gryffindor, 'We'll teach those with brave deeds to their name,' said Hufflepuff, ' I'll teach the lot and treat them just the same,' for each of the four founders had a house in which they might take only those they wanted, So Hogwarts worked in harmony for several happy years." The Sorting Hat finished.

"Ok, when I call your name, you will come up and be sorted into your houses." Said Professor Longbottom, he pulled out a scroll of parchment.

"Scamander, Lysander."     "Gryffindor."

"Miller, Cedric."        "Hufflepuff."

"Weasley, Hugo."       "Gryffindor."

"Taylor, Mia."       "Slytherin."

"Potter, Lily."        "Gryffindor."

"Scamander, Lorcan."    "Ravenclaw."

"Welcome to Hogwarts everyone, you will learn extraordinary things here and not only will you learn how to use magic, but how to control it. I hope you all enjoy Hogwarts." Said The Headmistress, Professor Mcgonagall. "Let the feast begin." After they all ate they went to their common rooms.

"Piece Lilly." Said The Gryffindor prefect to the fat lady. She swung open. "Oh, look, Lily, you've got to make piece." Joked Hugo, with a little chuckle. "Ha, Ha, very funny, Hugo." She answered sarcastically. They entered the Gryffindor common room with red walls, a couch in front with two armchairs next to it, a notice board on the wall, A table with a couple of kids sitting around it and stairs up to the dormitories. "Wow." Said most of the first years , but to Lily it looked like a smaller version of her brother James' room. "Blimey, it's, Harry Potter's daughter." Said most of the common room as Lily walked up to the girls dormitories. "Hey, James, isn't that your sister?" Questioned a random Gryffindor as Lily closed the door to the girls  dormitories.

"Ugh, I hate that they keep calling me that." Said Lily, kicking her trunk. "It's going to be okay, Lils." Said a voice. It was, Rose Weasley. "You just have to get used to it, or-." Rose was interrupted by Lily, "Or, what." Said Lily, worried "Do I have to do something dangerous like my dad always did." "No." Rose said, quickly and firmly "I was going to say, or you would have to get out of your family's shadow, like when everyone called me, 'Hermione Granger's daughter' or, ' Ron Weasley's daughter.'" "Sorry, Rose." Lily apologized " It must have been so annoying." " It's okay." Said Rose "How did you get out of their shadows?" Asked Lily "I'll tell you tomorrow." Rose confirmed "Does, Hugo, need help?" "I don't think so." Said Lily "Everyone seems to like him, because he's funny. Hear that?" They heard someone say "Hahahahaha, that's hilarious, Hugo." "Ahh, I see." Rose yawned "Good for him, well good night." They both went to bed.

Author's note- Mia Taylor will become more important in a later chapter. Cedric Miller is Cho and some muggles son. I think Cedric deserved his credit 'cause he was a great person.

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