Chapter 11: Meeting Luna

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Lily woke up on December 20 with all the girls in the dormitory. She packed her trunk and headed down to the great hall. When she entered with Rose she saw Hugo, Lysander and James sitting at the Gryffindor table. As Rose went to sit down Lily looked at the Slytherin table and saw Albus and Scorpious. They too had their trunks. She went to sit at Gryffindor table.

After they ate they went down to Hogsmeade station and boarded the Hogwarts express. "Hey, when we get there do we ask our parents why we never?" Lily asked Lysander "Yeah." He replied.

They arrive at Kings cross to see Harry, Ginny, Hermione and Ron. "Mum, Dad." Lily heard James say. "Hi, mum." Lily hugged her mother. "Hi, dad. Hey, Uncle Ron, Aunt Hermione."

"Thanks all of you for the birthday

"Your welcome, sweetheart." Ginny and Harry told her. "It was no problem." Ron said.

Lily turned to her dad.
"Dad?" She asked


"My friend, Lysander
Said his mum was, Luna Lovegood.
Wasn't I named after her? Why have we never met?" She questioned
"Well, she's really busy. She works for the quibbler."
He replied. "But you have met her. She came for your 1st, 2nd and 3rd birthday."
"Well, I don't remember her." Lily said

"Hello, Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione." Greeted a dreamy voice from behind. It was Luna. She was with Lysander, Lorca and Rolf. "Wait, Rose, Albus, James, why didn't you tell us about how we know, Mrs Scamander?" Lily asked.
"Just call me, Luna." She implied. "Ok."
"Well, I wanted to play a joke on you." James gave a little chuckle. "And it worked."
"Classic, James." Lily rolled her eyes. "And, Albus, Rose."

"We thought you knew who she was and we didn't know she was Lysander's mum." They said, truthfully. "Ok, makes sense. So why did you stop coming over?" Lily asked Luna

"Well, I was busy with the quibbler and the boys." She answered. Lily nodded. "Would you guys like to come over for dinner?" Harry asks. "Of course." Luna replied.

"But we barely know each other?" Questioned Lysander. "We've known each other since Me and Ginny's fourth year." Explained Luna. Lysander just shrugged.

6 hours later the doorbell rang. Harry went to open it. Lily, James, Albus and Ginny went over to the front door and saw the Scamander's. "Hey, Lysander, Lorcan." Lily greeted. "Hey." Lysander greeted back while Lorcan just waved "Where's Hugo?"

"Here." Lily jumps. Lysander turns around to see Hugo, Rose, Ron and Hermione. "Hi." Lily runs up and hugs him. "Hey mate." Lysander told him.

"Well, all we're waiting for is Scorpious." Albus said as the doorbell rang again. When he opened it they saw Draco and Scorpious. "I'll pick you up at 6:00." Draco told Scorpious. He gave Harry a nod and left. "Come in." Harry let Scorpious in.

"Scorp." Exclaimed Rose. She ran up to him and gave him a big hug. Albus laughed. Rose looked at him her arms still clinging to Scorpious. "What?"

"Nothing." He said, a smirk on his face.

"We're just friends." She assured him.

"Uh-huh." She gave him the death glare. Then rolled her eyes. "Come on, Scorp." He and Scorpious ran to his room. Scorpious calling, "Nice to see you again, Mr. and Mrs. Potter."

"Yeah, just leave me here." Rose complained.

"Then come along, Rose." Albus called

Rose went up to Albus' room. "Dad, can you tell me when, Teddy, get here?" James asked. Harry nodded. James then rushed to his room.

"Dad, can, Lysander, Hugo and I go to my room?" She asks

"Of course." He says

"Lysander, bring, Lorcan, with you." Luna tells him. Lysander nods and goes upstairs with Hugo, Lily and Lysander.

They enter her room. She has some quidditch posters. One of the Holy Head Harpies. Another one of the Chudley Cannons. And another one of her mum.

"I see you like quidditch." Lysander smirks.


They talk until they hear Harry call, "James, Teddy's, here." They hear footsteps going down the stairs. Then they hear, "Come on, Ted." And the footsteps came back.

"That's my godbrother, Teddy, you'll meet him when we eat." Lily explained.

"Kids, come down to eat." Ginny called.

"Speaking of eating. Coming mum." And they rushed down stairs. Apparently Teddy and James beat them 'cause they were already there.

"Hey, Ted." Lily said, going up and hugging him.

"Hey." He replied.

Everyone sat down.

"Here you go." Ginny, Hermione and Luna told everyone, bringing out the food. They set it down on the table. Everyone started eating.

Authors note- Here's another chapter. Hope your enjoying.

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