Chapter 12: Christmas

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Lily woke up on December 25 and ran straight to James' room. She knocked on the door and yelled, "James, Wake up. It's christmas."

"Go away, Lily." He groaned. "Git." She whispered under her breath and went to Albus' room.

She knocked and yelled, "It's Christmas, get up." There was silence. She knocked again.

She then heard, "Go away." She sighed and went on to her parents.

She knocked them opened the door and told them very loudly, "It's Christmas's. Wake up. We have to go to the burrow and see everyone." They stilled hadn't completely woken up so she shouted agin, "Wake up."

"We're up. We're up." Harry assured her. She nodded and went to her room to get ready.

A couple minutes later they arrive in the fireplace to the burrow. Everyone was there except Ron, Hermione, Rose, Hugo and Charlie. They stepped out and were greeted by lots of hugs.
"It's so good to see you." Mrs. Weasley told them all before giving them bone crushing hugs.

A few seconds later the fireplace sounded again. Out walked Ron, Hermione, Rose and Hugo. Hugo ran straight up to Lily and hugged her.

"We're always late, Ronald!!" Hermione was scolding Ron.

"No." He looked around "Charlie's, not here."

Hermione just shook her head. They as well were greeted with lots of hugs. They soon had an owl come through the window. Mrs. Weasley went up to the window and got the letter. She began to read it out loud.

-Parents, Siblings, Nephews, Nieces and Sibling-in-law

I can't make it to Christmas dinner this year. I got held up. I would have loved to come. But I have to take care of the dragons. I'll come by to visit when I can. My deepest apologies.


"Guess he's not coming." Mrs. Weasley sighed. She let out a big breath and went to the kitchen. Ginny, Hermione and Andromeda went to go help.

"Dad, can me, Ted, Rox and Fred go?" James asked.

"Actually, James, I'm going to spend time with, Vic." Teddy told him.

"Really?" Teddy nodded "Thanks, Vic, this is all your fault. Now Teddy only want to hang with you."

"He's my boyfriend." She snapped

"Well, he's my Godbrother." James snapped back.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes.

James turned around and went with Fred ll and Roxanne. Victorie looked at Teddy. She then said, "You want to go, don't you?"

He shook his head. "I just want to be with you."

"Go." He looked confused. "Go. I know you want to."

He smiled, kissed her cheek and went.

After a couple minutes Mrs. Weasley, George, Ginny and Hermione brought out the food. Everyone came back and sat down at the table. They all ate.

After they ate they exchanged presents and soon it was time to leave.

Harry, Ginny, James, Albus and Lily were at home.

James and Albus said goodnight and left.

"Goodnight, mum, dad." Lily said. She then went to her room and went to bed.

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