Chapter 8: The Games Keepers Hut

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The next morning at breakfast on mail day. Lily gets 2 letters, one from her parents and one from the Hogwarts game keeper, Hagrid. Lily opened and red the first letter: Dear Lily, how's Hogwarts so fare. We hope you enjoy it. We miss you here. Hope your having fun. See you on the holidays, Mum and Dad: Lily placed It down and opened the one from Hagrid: Dear Lily, it's Hagrid. Hope yer doin' well. I would like to invite you and your friends to come down to my hut after hut after classes. Write back with your answers:

"Hey, Lysander, Hugo, want to go down to Hagrid's hut after classes?" She asked the boys. "Sure." They answered plainly and the 3 continued to eat. After they ate they went to charms class. As they sat down they heard the Charms Professor, Shirley Meads, said, "Welcome to charms. Today we will be learning how to use the levitation charm." Lily raised her hand.

"Yes, Miss Potter?"

"I know how to do it. My dad taught me."

"Me too." Piped up Hugo "My mum taught me." Well, Miss Potter, why don't you demonstrate." Professor Meads insisted. "Ok." Lily raised her wand and said, "Wingardium Leviosa." The feather lifted itself into the air. "Well, done, Miss Potter, 5 points to Gryffindor." Professor Meads exclaimed "Now, how about you, Mr Weasley?" "Ok." Hugo lifted his wand and said, "Wingardium Leviosa." Like Lily's it went up in the air. "Well done." Professor Mead was so proud of her students "Another 5 points to Gryffindor." "Good job, guys." Lysander told them quietly.

After Classes they headed down to Hagrid's hut and knocked on the door."Hello." Hagrid said, opening the door and inviting them inside. "How yer." "Good." The three said "Want some tea?" Hagrid asked "Sure." Hagrid pulled out 3 massive mugs. He filled them then gave them to Lily, Lysander and Hugo. "So, Lysander, I haven't really met you." Hagrid told him, taking a sip of tea "Who are your parents?" "Oh, my mum is, Luna Lovegood, well Scamander now, my dad is, Rolf Scamander." Lysander explained "I liked your mum and dad, they were very nice, and they loved my creatures." Hagrid sounded delighted. "Well, Hagrid, we better get going." Said Hugo, draining his mug. "Ok, see, ya kids."  Said Hagrid "Come visit another time." "Ok."

They left the hut and headed to Gryffindor tower. "He seems nice." Lysander said "Oh, he's very nice to people who are nice to him." Explained Lily. "Cool." He said as they headed into Gryffindor common room. "Good Night." Lily told the boys. "Good night." They called after her as she closed the door to the dormitory and went to sleep.

Authors Note- Shirley Meads or Professor Meads is a character I made up.

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