Chapter 7: First Day

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As they entered Herbology they heard Professor Longbottom say, "Hello, Welcome to Herbology." "Hello, Professor Longbottom." Greeted all the first years. "Today we will learn about Gillyweed." Professor Longbottom told them. "Yes, Professor."All the first years nodded. Professor Longbottom pulled out some Gillyweed.

Fun fact, Harry Potter, ate some Gillyweed for the second task in the triwizard tournament." Professor Longbottom told the students. Slightly annoyed, Lily said, "So, what does it do?" ""Well, it let's the person who eats it breath under water." He explained "But, if you go in to fresh water after eating Gillyweed, it will go badly. But if your going to eat it go in salt water after." He noticed a hand up. "Yes?" "So, Harry Potter, went into the black lake to save, Ron Weasley." Asked Oliver Jones, a Ravenclaw. "Yes, Mr. Jones, that is what happened." Answered Professor Longbottom. "But, not only did he save, Mr. Ronald Weasley, he also saved, Miss. Gabrielle Delacour."

"Ok, we get it, my dad was amazing." Said Lily, she grabbed her bag and stormed out of Herbology. As she walked into the common room, James asked her, "Aren't you supposed to be in Herbology? How was your first day at least?" "Ok." She answered, plainly. "What do you mean, 'Ok.'" He asked "And where did you get that necklace?" He was looking at the necklace. "I got it from dad." She answered "And everyone keeps calling me, Harry Potter's daughter." "Oh, that bad of a first day." He responded "Yeah, that bad." She sighed "Well, it will get better, sis." He said.

Lysander and Hugo came in seconds later. "Why did you leave?" Asked Lysander. "I hate how everyone mentions the amazing things my dad did." Lily responded, sitting down in the chair next to James. "Well, Lily, I told you to start interacting with people more." Said a voice. It was Rose. "What am I supposed to do if they keep bringing up all the great things my dad did?" Lily asked.

"Just leave it." Rose responded, taking a seat next to Lily. "Don't think about it." "So is that step 3?" Lily asks "I guess so." Replied Rose. "Well, then, I'm sorry I stormed out of Herbology." Lily said "Is, Neville, mad?" "I don't think so, he seemed pretty understanding." Explained Lysander. They talked until the night.

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