The Son of Dopey/ Dormitories

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Doug raised his hand, "hey, guys, I'm Dopey's son. As in, Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy- heigh ho..." he stopped counting as his light blue eyes caught on Evie, her hands on her hips. She stepped forward flirtatiously, unfazed. The Gladers noticed that she was almost expecting boys to be gobsmacked at the sight of her.

"Evie; the Evil Queen's daughter." The VKs looked away awkwardly as she fiddles with her hair and flashes a smile. Teresa suppresses an eye-roll. Doug stammered as he explained the basics and Mal strode up to him and looked over his shoulder at the clipboard.

"...and Remedial Goodness 101!"

"Lemme guess," Mal pulled a sweet from a golden wrapper with her teeth, "new class?" Doug glanced over at the group, back at her, and nods. "C'mon guys," she began, carelessly dropping the sweet wrapper, "let's go find our dorms." Doug kept his gaze fixed on Evie as the VKs and Gladers hurry up the staircase he'd come down from. It took him a moment to notice:

"Oh- uh, yeah; your dorms are that way, guys," he pointed in the other direction. They hurry past him as he begins counting his father and uncles, "Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy and..."

"Sneezy," Carlos finished, chocolate still smeared around his mouth.


Mal, Evie and Teresa opened the wooden door of a bedroom that was decorated with a pink and floral design. There were various pictures on the wall of princesses and the windows were open, letting in a refreshing breeze and cheerful sunlight. Most of the room is in the same orange-coloured wood as previously, but the beds and bedside tables have white-painted wood. There are at least six lamps, either on tables or standing and there are spherical lights in twos on the walls. The Auradon banner is on the left of the room, above a cabinet and a small writing desk. "This place is so ama-" Evie begins.

Mal cuts her off; "Gross." Teresa couldn't deny that she agreed with Mal.

"Amazingly gross," Evie continues, but obviously on the account of the daughter of Maleficent. Teresa sits on her bed as the VKs close the curtains.


All of the boys open the door to a large room, Minho and Jay fighting over who gets to enter first. "This is the largest room here," Doug says timidly.

"Hear that, boys?" Jay begins, shoving Minho aside before strutting into the room himself, "we're already royalty." He nodded as he inspected the bedroom: There were tartan-cushioned chairs surrounding a wooden table and the carpet is similar to that of a British pub (bar). The walls and furniture were mostly an orange-brown and there were lights and lamps in various places. The bedposts were black and the sides are inscribed with the Auradon shield and crown, all in gold. There was a bookshelf under the window which holds many stories of past heroic adventures. Doug states that "I'm around if anyone needs me... my room's just down the hall." He walked off hesitantly.

"Well, I want this bed," Minho stated, kicking off his boots and flopping onto one. Jay approaches him threateningly, "and I'm not moving," he pointed a finger in the VK's face. Jay backs away and claims the bed opposite by grabbing something sharp from his pocket and carving his initials into the wood. Carlos took the bed next to his while Thomas took the one next to Minho's.

"You shanks alright if I close the windows? We don't want any flies in here." Newt asked. The others shrug and give half-hearted mumbles. He closed the windows and took the bed next to Thomas'. It's furthest away from the others' and up on a platform, all to himself. He smiled. Once the boys had sorted out whose bed is whose, they set out individually to explore the grounds.

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