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These are some notes and what I had started for the next chapter.
Unfortunately, I have now abandoned this story, so I will not be adding anymore updates.

Enjoy the notes!

◇ Brenda helps to get them out and they go to Auradon to try to tell the king what happened

♦ 4 Group B arriving in Auradon. Rachel gets killed in the Scorch so they escape. Writing blends into the second film, giving Uma more of a reason to make an appearance.

◇ King Ben is shocked and tries to incriminate WCKD. A few of them, Teresa included, manage to escape and go into hiding. King Ben urges Godmother to use magic to track them down

Teresa had fled as soon as she could: Maleficent had taken up most of the attention. She wanted to find Ava Paige as soon as possible.


Aris, Rachel, Harriet and Sonya were having their own issues. They'd been given a pistol each and sent into a giant maze, separated from one another from the start. The hedged maze was wrought with Cranks and it was the teens' objective to find each other and stay alive before the Cranks found them. How they would do that was beyond them.

"I thought this was supposed to be the place of royals and heroes," Rachel began. "Why would they put us in here?"

"I'm starting to think this was a trap," Harriet responded, throwing her dark locs over her shoulder and cocking her pistol. "Let's get through this and get outta here."


Ava Paige clicked a button on her computer. The new office was a lot smaller than WCKD'S original building. But it would suffice. "Well, it seems that our new subjects are highly intelligent: very useful for a cure."

Teresa, Janson and a few other WCKD associates were sat around a small desk in the dim-lit office. The blinds were drawn at the small square window behind them. It was so much more secluded. Teresa wondered why they had to revert to hiding. They were trying to save people! That was a good thing!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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