Breaking Barriers

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~A day after WCKD stopped sending supplies to the Mazes~

In the Southern Maze on The Isle of The Lost, a group of girls debated amongst themselves. "We can't carry on like this. There are fifty of us: we'll starve to death!" She was writing a list of what food they had left so it could be rationed accordingly.

"There's no question about it. We're not being sent any supplies, so we need to get what we can from the rest of the island," another girl replied as she took the remaining food out of crates and told her what to write.

"But they're all villains, and most of the food on the island is already rotting by the time it gets here!"

"We have mouths to feed," the first girl began, adjusting a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. "There is no question. We do what we can to survive. And we can get Aris to help."

"What am I gonna do?" He asked. He was a relatively scrawny boy, there was no way he was going to offer substantial protection.

~Present Day~

"How are we going to surpass the magical barrier?" One of the WCKD's employees asked.

She was one of the only few who'd been informed that they didn't actually have the King's authority to take more subjects from the Isle. It was treason. Sweat beaded on her forehead.

"That's your job to figure out," Janson responded dryly. He and the chancellor were standing at the back of the room by the door. Their hands were clasped behind their backs. A table of five employees sat before them: stressed. Although, that was an understatement. "You have three hours." Janson and Ava Paige left the room and closed the door behind them.

The WCKD employees looked at one another. If they were found out for disobeying the King's orders, they'd rather have been inflicted with the Flare themselves. They were an engineer, a scholar of magic, a biologist, a neurologist, and a Berg pilot. And they didn't have a clue what to do.


Fortunately, Group B had done quite a nice job of forming alliances with many of the island's VKs. Despite that, what half-decent food they could get their hands on didn't last very long

Two girls by the names of Harriet and Sonya walked casually to the East side of the Isle. They needn't have been afraid because this part of the island was inhabited by the bulk of their allies. As such, one girl stepped out from a nearby restaurant and approached them with a wide smile on her face. "Harriet, Sonya! It's been a few days since you've showed up here. I almost thought you'd forgotten us." Her long teal braids fell around her torso and her brown skin was gently lit by the clouded sunlight.

"Of course not, Uma. We're happy to see you," Harriet responded.

The Sea Witch's daughter welcomed the girls into Ursula's Fish And Chip Shoppe.
The restaurant was decorated like the inside of a pirate ship, and there was even a wooden rack by the door labelled 'Sword Check' - to decrease the chances of any bloodshed within the restaurant.

The girls from the Southern Maze had discovered that this was the best place to get food on the island since their fish came from the sea and weren't the rotten remains from Auradon. It was just as well: The Sea Witch didn't get such a high number of customers with food that was anything less than exquisite. It was surprising how well-reformed she was years after she'd stolen Princess Ariel's voice and tried to marry Prince Eric. Her culinary skills were renowned throughout the bay.

The girls were taken through to a room with a table made of resin that was decorated like a seabed. Real sand, shells and pieces of coral held firm within the beautiful table. The girls sat around it in comfortable teal suede armchairs. "So," Uma began, clasping her hands together on the table's clear resin surface. "Whatcha got?"

"There isn't much news from Auradon except that the virus is spreading further South. Your crew is stretching further out through the Isle and taking control. Without Mal and the others around, people are falling to their knees at the sight of your pirates," Harriet explained.

A smile formed on Uma's round face. She cackled. "Yes! Without that fairy around, we're getting the best bounties."

"But, there is another thing..." Sonya added.

Uma's face dropped. "What's that?"

"Four of us have been sent invitations to Auradon."


When the Chancellor and Janson returned to the office, their employees finally had a plan to bring the subjects from the Southern Maze to Auradon. "The magic that the Blue Fairy used to create the barrier is old," the scholar of magic began. "It's not been reestablished and the wand that created it is safely locked away - not to be used until Prince Ben's coronation. The barrier is fragile to outside forced: its only purpose is to keep magic from being used within it."

"Magic needs to be reestablished?" Janson asked.

"Just as a vehicle needs servicing," the berg pilot responded. "Especially when it's a barrier."

"Right... so, what's the plan?" Ava asked.

"We can activate the cloak on the berg which prevents it from being detected. There is a weak point in the barrier that will allow about five people through. But our time window is sensitive: we need to get them through quickly, before the barrier detects anything," the engineer explained.

"We can send a rope through the weak point of the barrier for them, and they will meet us there. Letters have already been sent out, I presume?" The biologist asked.

"Yes," Ava Paige responded. "Let's start this trial."


"You're traitors!" Uma shouted, slamming her hands onto the resin table, ignoring the sting she got from it as a result.

"Uma, we have an idea: we can keep watch for you in Auradon," Harriet said.

"And as soon as we can, we'll get you access to Auradon, too!" Sonya added. Harriet looked at her and blinked her brown eyes.

"We can do that?"

"There's got to be a way, if we're going, right?"

Uma's face softened. She wouldn't admit it, but sadness filled her at the thought of losing more friends. "Okay. Well, if I can trust you..."

Harriet placed her hand on Uma's over the table's resin sea. "We'll do what we can. You've helped us. You deserve a better life."

Uma tipped her broad hat to the girls. "Across the sea and through the storm, I vow we'll meet again."
The girls placed their hands to their hearts and repeated the phrase. "Now, no matter how far you go, you'll always be part of my crew."

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