The Teenage Spy

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During a free period the next day, Teresa checked her phone. It was courtesy of Fairy Godmother that each of the Isle transfers had one because it allowed them to easily integrate themselves into society. Although, Evie mostly used hers for fashion ideas on Pinterest and Mal barely used hers at all. Teresa saw the email sent to her by Ava Paige and felt a rush of nervous excitement while reading it. She'd been contacted personally by the chancellor!

Dear Ava Paige,

I am so glad that you considered asking me to join you at WCKD. I'd be delighted to join. I understand your dedication to finding a cure and I believe that you should do whatever you can to do it, so please do not feel that an apology is necessary.

I'm looking forward to hearing back from you.


Teresa Agnes.

She had never felt more triumphant. She could feel nervous excitement throughout her entire body.


The Glader boys had tried to make friends with the AKs. But, for some reason, not knowing who their parents were made that quite difficult. Some pitied them, and others were plain distrustful. "It's not our shucking fault," Minho had lamented one evening as he played on the console game in their dorm. "If I knew who my parents were, I'd tell everyone."

"Maybe you're related to Chad," Newt said as he flipped through a page in a book he was reading. Minho tutted at him, swearing under his breath as he lost track of what he was doing in the game.
Thomas was sat on his bed, scrolling through his phone. "Have you heard anything from Ava Paige?" Newt asked.

"No," Thomas replied, looking up at him for only a brief moment.

Newt was relieved. "What are you looking at?" he asked.

"I took a DNA test on the weekend. Fairy Godmother said she'd send it off, but I've heard nothing." Newt's brown eyes were full of sympathy, and even Minho paused his game. "Maybe my parents didn't want me."

"Maybe. But my parents sure as hell would've wanted me," Minho replied. He wasn't always the best at diffusing the tension. He continued with his game, grunting and whispering profanities every so often.

"Where's Teresa?" Thomas asked, ignoring him. She'd seldom spent time with the boys recently. She was almost always on her laptop or phone, saying that she was 'catching up with work'.

"Probably texting her new best friends," Newt said in a mocking tone. He was referring mostly to Jane and Lonnie, the daughters of the Fairy Godmother and Mulan who, thanks to Mal, were now gaining more popularity in the school by the day. Even Audrey, Prince Ben's girlfriend, had begun talking to them.

Teresa spent time with Lonnie and Jane because they were polite and typically quieter than anyone else. She'd asked them both about the history of the Flare virus and would spend time emailing the Chancellor of WCKD about her findings. Ava Paige was grateful, of course, but there was very little of what Teresa told her that she didn't know already.


"Tell me, Teresa," the Chancellor began as they sat together in Fairy Godmother's office one day. "What was it like on the Isle?" Unbeknownst to Teresa, the entire conversation was being recorded.

"It was fine until we stopped being sent supplies. I'd never set foot out of our Glade before then. But the VKs are so-"

"VKs?" Ava asked, even though she knew the answer. For the sake of recording. Many WCKD employees didn't know the teenagers' slang.

"Villain Kids. Thomas, Minho, Alby and Gally were the first ones out of the Maze after we stopped being sent supplies. They were ambushed by Uma's crew - she's the daughter of Ursula. They came running back with no supplies and we had to ration everything. Our food lasted two weeks. Then Tom and Minho went out again, individually. Newt and Chuck left soon after. That's when they met Carlos."

"Carlos de Vil?"

"Yes. They found him the kindest since he gave us a bag of decent food. So, we allowed him into the Maze."

"A Villain Kid in the Maze?" Ava Paige asked, pretending to be astounded. "Weren't you scared?"

"No: Tom trusted him, so I did too," Teresa explained. "Do you know why we were there?"

"What do you mean?"

"In the Maze: None of us could remember anything other than our names. We didn't know what crimes we'd committed to be sent there, but there must have been some reason. Do you know what that is?"

"Teresa," the chancellor began, leaning forward. "Unfortunately, I cannot yet say. It is a great weight of information and we at WCKD need to know we have your full trust before we can give you any information about the Maze."

"So, you know?" Teresa exclaimed. "Did you put us there?!"

"Teresa, I'd ask for you to see reason at a time like this. Do not raise your voice to me." Teresa sat back in her chair, feeling embarrassed, like a little child who'd been told off. "Now, I'm going to send you back to your dorm. But if there's anything else you'd like to tell me, please make it known at our next meeting. I'll be in touch."

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