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Prince Benjamin chose Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos to attend Auradon prep – along with Thomas, Teresa, Newt and Minho. There are two black limousines allocated for the teens; one for the VKs and another for the Gladers. Upon their leaving, the VKs were instructed to bring home various items of sentiment by their parents; a puppy, a prince, treasure... whereas the Gladers are told simply to have fun and figure out who they are and why they were sent to the Isle with amnesia in the first place.

In the Gladers' limo, Minho and Newt tried some chocolate as Teresa spoke to Thomas, saying that maybe they had something to do with the Flare virus, which is why they were sent to the Isle. "We can't have caused a virus, Teresa," Thomas objected.

"We must have been put in the Isle for something, even if we don't remember what it was," she replied, looking cautiously out the window and gasping in surprise when she saw the VKs' limo driving across a magical golden road in front of them.

"Either way," Newt cut in, sucking on a yellow-and-pink lollipop, "we'll find out when we get there."

"I don't think it's a good idea for us to be sent to where there is a virus," Minho added.

"Maybe the VKs will use that to bloody take over," Newt joked.

"That won't be happening," the driver said in a dull voice.

"Calm down, shank, he was only joking," Minho laughed. The driver said nothing.


The two limos stopped outside the Auradon Prep building. They were greeted by a marching band in blue and yellow, and smiling (and waving) boys and girls in splendidly-designed clothing, as well as a girl in a pink dress, Prince Ben and the Fairy Godmother. The chauffeurs got out of their limos and opened the doors for the visitors. The marching band practically screeched to a tuneless halt as Carlos and Jay tumbled out of their limo, fighting over something. Mal and Evie stepped out gracefully, checking themselves upon seeing the Fairy Godmother walking through the band and approaching them with a warm smile and open arms. The four Gladers stand by the other VKs with neutral expressions, trying very hard not to laugh at the boys. The Fairy Godmother's smile fades to a grimace. "We have an audience," Mal stated through gritted teeth.

"Just... cleanin' up," Jay stated with a nervous laugh, before grabbing Carlos' arm, "get up." Prince Ben looked at his visitors, nervous-yet-curious and somewhat amused.

"Leave it like you found it," the Godmother sang, "and by that I mean just leave it." The girl in a floral pink dress and blue cardigan standing next to her laughed in agreement, though she doesn't seem at all sincere to the Isle kids, except Jay, who threw the monitor and the blue piece of fabric he and Carlos were fighting over back into the limo.

"Hello, foxy," Jay purrs, sauntering up to the girl, his arms folded, "the name's... Jay." The girl laughs awkwardly and the Fairy Godmother leans to the side so that Jay is looking at her instead of 'foxy'.

"Welcome to Auradon Prep," she stated, killing Jay's smile. "I'm Fairy Godmother," she opened her arms again, "headmistress."

"The Fairy Godmother?" Mal asked, her hands on her hips. "As in," she raises her right arm as if she is holding a wand, "bibbidi bobbidi boo?"

"Bibbidi bobbidi, you know it."

"Yeah," Mal began, "I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella..."

"She's acting", Teresa thought to Thomas.

"What makes you so sure?" He replied instantly. They watched the scene unfold for a moment, the Godmother taking the compliments graciously.

"Why is she so interested in the wand?" Teresa asked.

"Shush," Thomas said aloud.

"Are you okay?" The Fairy Godmother asked him. He hesitated; only the Gladers knew he and Teresa could talk telepathically.

"Uhh, yeah, just a fly," he lied, batting a hand by his ear.

"Okay, well as I was saying to Mal, don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future," she said, waving her hands around in front of her. She seemed as though she should have been teaching 5-year-olds instead of teens at a prep school. Mal's eyes widened, as if she was thinking 'what a moron', but politely. Prince Ben stepped forward, his beige hands clasped tightly together:

"It's so good to finally meet you all; I'm Ben-"

"Prince Benjamin," the girl interrupted, "soon to be king!" She squeaks. The Isle kids figured out quickly that she was his girlfriend. Evie stepped forward:

"You had me at 'prince'. My mum's a queen, which... makes me a princess," she bowed a little, not breaking eye-contact.

"The Evil Queen has no royal status here," Ben's girlfriend sneered, shaking her head while smiling. The very sight of her was irritating, "and neither do you." Evie looked disheartened, but tries to regain her composure. Ben laughed awkwardly:

"This is Audrey," he declared with forced enthusiasm.

"Princess Audrey," she corrected, "his girlfriend," she takes his hand and looks lovingly into his eyes. He chuckled. "Right, Bennyboo?" he chuckled again, not approving nor denying her statement. Mal cocked her head to one side, taking it in. The Fairy Godmother seemed to have had enough of their 'romance' and cut-ins:

"Ben and Audrey are gonna show you all around and I'll see you all tomorrow." Suddenly, she opened Ben and Audrey's hands and flings her own into the air, "the doors of wisdom are never shut... but the library hours are from eight to eleven and as you may have heard I have a little thing about curfews," she explained with a smile. The Isle kids laughed politely. She walks off, the marching band following her; one of them glancing at Evie.

"This is gonna be great," Thomas whispered to Newt sarcastically.

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