A Wicked Fairy, A Wily Thief, A Beautiful Princess and A Smart Little Boy

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Newt turned a corner out of the Maze and into the street, jumping as he almost bumped into a boy wearing black and white with bit of red, his hair black at the roots and white as snow everywhere else. He seemed startled, too, so Newt calmed down. "Hi," the boy began, raising his hand in a still wave, "I'm Carlos."

"Name's Newt, Greenie," Newt replied, considering that perhaps not everyone on the island apart from Groups A and B were evil, while still being cautious. There was nothing wrong with being polite, after all.


"That's what we call you shanks who don't know the Mazes," Newt replied. Carlos nods slowly in understanding.

"Were you trying to get past?" Carlos asked, moving aside.

"Yeah, thanks, Carlos," Newt replied, jogging past: He looked back to make sure Carlos didn't go into the Maze behind him; you could never be too careful. He didn't; instead walking away from the Maze, through an alleyway and out of sight.


Minho jogged through the ghosted-by-thieves town, trying to get back to the Maze and Glade before he got stolen from again. Suddenly, a boy with hair longer than Newt's jumped in front of him from the roof of a stall selling various rotten fruits, a devious grin on his face. "You're fast," he said, giving Minho a punch in the arm as a greeting. "But I'm faster," he added, raising his other hand to reveal Minho's lunchbox. "The name's Jay."

"Minho, A7," the Runner replied, snatching back his lunchbox before running off once more.

Jay chuckled, I'll get him next time.


Thomas stood in an alleyway, watching and waiting for the street to become empty of evil-intended cunning VKs - who were far more witty and light-footed than their parents at this moment in time. Thomas, however, was not pressured by an insane parent, and did not have the burden of 'being evil' packed forcefully onto his shoulders. "Why are you in my way?" A stern voice asked from behind the boy, he snapped around to see a girl wearing mostly purple, with hints of green and pink, and unmistakable Byzantium hair sitting messily on her shoulders.

"There's a space right there," Thomas replied, pointing to the large space in the alleyway next to him. Suddenly, he realised his mistake; this girl wasn't anything like the mean-yet-reasonable Gally, she was the offspring of evil: the most evil of the Isle: Maleficent's daughter, Mal. "Sorry," he said, more quietly, "but really, you can go straight past." Mal gave him a glare, before skulking past him into the quietening street. He followed her out and walked through the street in the other direction.


"Hello," a raven-blue-haired girl chirped to Chuck as she caught him gawking at her beautiful self.

"H-hello," he replied, a goofy smile forming on his chubby face.

"I don't think I've seen you around, my name's Evie."

"Evie?" Chuck asked, realisation appearing in his dark eyes: "As in, 'daughter of Evil Queen, banished by Maleficent' Evie?"

"Wow, you know all the gossip," Evie sighed, fiddling with the hem of her blue dress.

"Don't worry, that old hag's way past her glory days," Chuck assured dismissively, "I'm Chuck by the way... A3."

"Evie!" Called a woman nearby, before approaching cheerfully, "oh look, you've made a little friend: Hello, young man. Evie, we need to go home now and try out these new beauty products." The Evil Queen said, singing 'beauty products'. Evie waved 'goodbye' to Chuck, who waved back happily, just before Newt, Thomas and Minho all saw him and simultaneously called out his name.

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