A Kind Villain Kid

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"Chuck!" Thomas and Minho called, (Newt saying "Chuckie") the pudgy boy spun around, seeing his three friends at once.

"Hey, shanks. You won't believe who I just met," pure delight was written all over his face.

"I need to get food for Frypan," Newt said, ignoring him.

"From this garbage dump?" Chuck asked, picking up a bruised and rotten apple for the ground by its stem and tossing it away, a look of disgust on his face.

"The vultures stopped givin' us food, Chuckie; we need to get our own." Newt explained, before asking Chuck who he met as the Gladers began walking through the Isle streets.

"Evie, the Evil Queen's daughter; she's back!" Minho, Thomas and Newt stopped in their tracks, shocked expressions plastered onto their faces. "Uh-huh, she's really nice, too. She left just before you came, and she loves the colour blue," the boy explained enthusiastically. They begun walking again.

"I met Jay, the son of Jafar. He said I'm fast," Minho crowed cockily, grinning.

"I met Mal," Thomas said. The others stopped again, turning to look at him; worried and surprised, "she didn't really do anything but glare."

Newt and Chuck stayed in the Isle's villain-infested streets to search for food as Minho and Thomas strolled back to the Glade, their boots hitting the dull concrete as they went.


Carlos stepped through the half-empty, half-bustling streets of the Isle, a bag of various foods on one shoulder, Harry and Jayce trailing behind him, bickering over which of them have the 'sneakiest footsteps', despite the fact that their stomping could be heard from almost a street-length away. Carlos turned left around a building and jumped when Newt appeared in front of him once more, "Hello, Newt," Carlos smiled in relief, his hand over his chest. "We have to stop scaring each other like this," he laughed. Newt chuckled:

"Shuck! Carlos, who are these shanks?"

"Harry and Jayce," Carlos introduced, gesturing behind him. The sons of Horace and Jasper only nodded curtly to Newt and Chuck before going back to their bickering. "Who's this... shank?"

"I'm Chuck, A3."


"Yeah; Newt's A5, our friends – Minho and Thomas – are here somewhere too, but they went back home; they're A7 and A2." Carlos nods, surprised at how casually the boy had said the word 'friends'. Things must really be different in the Mazes, he thought, before Newt stated that they were looking for food – his hand instinctively travelled to the strap of the bag on his shoulder, but returns calmly to his side when the blonde boy asked:

"Do you know where any buggin' food might be in this bloody place?" Carlos thought for a moment, these boys seem nice enough, but he, Jayce and Harry needed food, too. They hadn't done anything remotely evil to him, but how would watching villains – such as Harriet Hook's crew, who were passing by now – react to him being kind? Let alone generous?

"Take this," he said at last, handing Newt the bag. Harry and Jayce stop bickering, and whine at Carlos, telling him he's too good for the Isle and that he may as well move to Auradon and marry a princess named 'Janice'. Evil heads started to turn at this phrase and Carlos turned back to the Gladers, "go, now!" He hissed. Thank you, Newt mouthed, before jogging off as best he could with his limp, Chuck alongside him. Murmurs echoed across the increasing crowd. Carlos tried to ignore them, but Harry and Jayce had begun to join in with them, calling Carlos a traitor.


"Evie and Carlos aren't like the other Greenies," Chuck stated, "they're kind." He and Newt had just arrived at the Glade as the sun dipped lower in the sapphire sky. Frypan approached them, an expectant smile on his face:

"Hey, shanks, what did you get?" He asks. Newt passed him the creased fabric bag on his shoulder and the cook peered inside, nodding in approval. He asks Newt where he got the food, since he knows that most Isle food is either rotten or rotting on a good day.

"I met the son of Cruella de Vil, Carlos," Newt explained.

"He seemed ashamed at first; to give it to us," Chuck added, "poor shank; that pirate crew didn't look too happy with him, either."


"Have you ever wondered..." Chuck began as he sat on the dinner table, his mouth already full of food – courtesy of Carlos and Frypan – "what it would be like if a Greenie came in here: Just for a visit?"

"They would take over," Gally replied bitterly, "the second they learn how to run the Maze, it's game over for us."

"Not if they're blindfolded," Minho joked.

"We can't blindfold guests," Thomas interjected, "besides, it would take them ages to memorise the hallways like we know them; it's in our blood."

"Who said anything about guests?" Alby asked with a stern look on his face, "Chuck shut your shuck mouth. No VK comes in here unless I see them being kind."

"Carlos was kind," Newt said. Everyone quietened to listen, "without him, we wouldn't even be buggin' eatin' right now."

A decision was made in the Council Hall for Alby, Thomas and Gally to leave the Maze with Newt the next day, they would search for Carlos; to thank him for the food and to invite him to the Glade. "I hope you know what could happen if this fails, shank," Gally sneered to Newt as he leaves the hall; he was met with a nod:

"Good that."

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