The Isle

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The Isle of the Lost was a devastatingly dull and dreary place; home to the unfortunate Groups A and B; sent to the Isle with the memory of their names alone. Group A - residing mostly of boys, with the exception of A1, Teresa Agnes - was located in the North; a maze-like part of the island that only they knew how to navigate. Group B, however -consisting mostly of girls, with the exception of B1, Aris Jones - was located in the South of the island; also very closely resembling a labyrinth.

As well as these two groups (which only make up a small portion of the Isle), the island was inhabited by villains and their unfortunate offspring. It had been the Fairy Godmother's decision to bring all dead villains back to life, and then send them to The Isle of the Lost for all eternity without magic or access to the outside world. Although, King Beast made it his business, after being elected king of the United States of Auradon, to place posters all over the island, instructing the villains to "be good!" in a pathetic attempt of reformation. The Isle, to Auradon's inhabitants, is of the least importance at this particular time; mostly because the focus is on Prince Ben - the son of King Beast, who is soon to be king - and a group known as WICKED, (good wicked, not bad wicked) who was currently working on a cure for a deadly virus known as 'The Flare'.

Posters of warning regarding the Flare virus were situated all over Auradon; most of them with notes of assurance from Chancellor Ava Paige stating that 'work for a cure is in order'.

Only the World in Catastrophe Killzone Experiment Department, Fairy Godmother and King Beast know the reason behind Groups A and B being on the Isle despite being innocent of villainy. A WCKD employee, Janson, refers to them dryly as 'subjects.' "They have no memories because they had no life before the Isle," he'd told the fairy and the king. "Their emotions and brain reactivity in an unsettling environment such as the Isle can help lead us directly – with a little research and toggling – to a cure for the Flare."

WCKD is not a group of royals. In fact, they aren't even as heroic as they portray themselves to be, either. In actual, unfortunate-for-everyone fact, they are the villains of this tale.

The questions are: will a cure ever be found? What will happen to the Subject Groups on the Isle? Will it ever be made known that WCKD are not as benevolent as they seem? We'll find out in the chapters to come...

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