Greenie in the Glade

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Once in the Glade, Carlos scanned the vicinity; from the well-built Homestead to the thick forest to the Slammer to the Council Hall; he was in awe; it feels as if he's walked off the Isle and entered a homey garden in Auradon - whatever that might look like: Newt chuckled at his awed expression as Gally left to a call of his name by one of the other Builders. Alby and Thomas stayed with Newt and Carlos for the tour.

A few Gladers gave Carlos wary looks as they trudged past; others nodded to Thomas and Newt curtly, avoiding eye contact with him, whilst others avoided the VK altogether. Carlos sighed, "they're never gonna trust me are they?" Before either of the boys could answer, Chuck approached with a large smile on his pudgy face.

"Hey, Chuck," Thomas greeted, returning the smile.

"Greenie! Do you wanna meet Teresa?"

"Teresa?" Carlos questioned, "I thought this Glade only had boys."

"I'm the only girl here," a soft and unfamiliar voice declares; the boys looked over; a girl in jeans and a blue shirt was walking over to them. Her hair was long and dark brown and her eyes were like sapphires glinting mysteriously in the sun's light. "Hello Carlos, Newt told us about you yesterday. Tom, Minho needs you." She explained, nodding to the direction of the Homestead, Thomas nodded, jogging away with her after waving a goodbye to the others.


After Carlos' visit, Alby sat in the Council Hall with the Keepers. "The Greenie was okay today," Winston stated after Alby asks what people think of Carlos.

"He's still a VK," Zart countered; "he might be trying to trick us." Murmurs of agreement rose from the other Gladers.

"Listen up, slintheads; without that Greenie we wouldn't have had anything but shuck scraps to eat yesterday. No VK would give up their food!" Frypan interjected; bringing silence upon the room once more.

"And the kid is scared of his own shuck mother; is that any good for you?" Gally added, in spite of being a little uncertain himself.

"He jumps whenever something buggin' scares 'im; he's nothin' close to evil," Newt says. The Gladers thought this was a good point, but what if Carlos' fear was a façade?

"What if his mum orders him to betray us or something?" Zart asked.

"Then we'll offer him sanctuary here," Alby stated confidently, "where Cruella can't get to him."

"Yeah," Minho added, "and if we're helping any Greenie, it should be Carlos."

"Any further objections?" Newt asked. The room stayed silent, as if a certain realisation had settled upon it in black and white. Alby declared the meeting over and most of the Keepers dispersed leaving Gally, Minho, Alby and Newt in the room. The former three turn to Newt, who was smiling from ear to ear in glee.

"We trust you, shank. Don't let him be evil," Alby instructed, waving a finger at him.

"Good that, Alby," Newt replied casually. He knew Carlos wouldn't let him down.

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