Get out of the Killzone

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Jay, Carlos, Teresa and Minho were given kits to change into for their first lesson of Physical Education. Teresa observed the other girls in the changing room; they were all changing into cheer-leading outfits. "Hey," a voice said to her. She turned to see Audrey, who was already in her yellow, blue-and-white top and skirt. A large 'A' was inscribed over her chest and her brown hair was tied back into a neat ponytail. "You're trying out for cheer?"

"I was given this," Teresa replied uncertainly, "I didn't have a choice."

"You'd rather be out there with the boys?" Audrey asked with a pout. Teresa shrugged with a nod. "Well, too bad. They don't want pretty girls like us to get our faces hurt. We'd look ugly! And that is not cool."

"Why does it matter what's cool? I'd rather be enjoying myself than being letters for people I don't even know." Teresa replied.

Audrey wasn't impressed. "Get changed. I don't know how things are on the Isle, but here, you listen to your superiors." Teresa rolled her eyes and reluctantly changed into the skin-tight clothing.


Meanwhile, in the boys' changing room, Minho and Jay were having the time of their lives. Carlos was staying out of their way as he changed, dreading this from the start. The only thing he was good at was running: on the Isle he became an expert at running from other VKs, since he wasn't strong enough nor big enough to stand up for himself. Jay had tried teaching him parkour, but he didn't have the upper-body strength. Nor any strength, really.

Someone opened the door of the changing room, "okay, you guys have five minutes, let's go!" The coach shouted, before the doors closed again. The boys stopped mucking about and finished getting changed, before heading out onto the field.


Teresa stood silently with the cheerleading team. Which, she was surprised to find, did not only consist of girls: there were a few boys, too, in similar-coloured shirts and shorts. She waved to Jay, Carlos and Minho when they saw her. "Why aren't you over here with us?" Minho asked from across the field.

"Okay, you're gonna need these," Ben said as he handed the boys shields and large, spoon-looking pieces of wood. Chad handed out helmets which stank of sweat.
Audrey handed the girls a yellow vest each, to put over their cheerleading outfits. The boys were given vests, too; blue or yellow - depending on their team

The coach blew his whistle, "Jay, Ben; offense. Chad, Minho; you're defense. Taylor, you're the shooter." Carlos was wandering around on the field, looking for somewhere to be. "Hey! Hey, you, lost boy, put your helmet on, get outta the Killzone!"

"Killzone?" Carlos remarked, noticing that he was standing in a patch of ground with red-and-white chevrons. When the coach blew his whistle again, chaos ensued.

Teresa watched as Jay (from the blue team) took over the field, even going so far as to attack members of his own team. Minho stopped him a couple of times, even pushing him to the ground. For a couple of moments, the two brawled, until someone from Jay's team came to his assistance and broke up the fight. Audrey stood defiantly as the other girls clapped and cheered. Teresa went over to Minho to ask if he was okay as Jay stormed through the killzone, dodging every one of the cannon's attacks. He even used Carlos (and his shield) as a jumping ramp as he made his way to launch the ball into the yellow team's goal. The girls cheered in his victory as he threw his stick, gloves and helmet on the ground and shouted and danced proudly.

The coach blew his whistle. "You! Get over here!" The cheerers did flips and cheers. Teresa was sitting on the grass with Minho. Audrey shook her pretentious head at the VK, partially for stealing her boyfriend's spotlight. "What do you call that?" The coach asked Jay. "I call that raw talent," he smirked. "Come find me later, I'll show you something you haven't seen before. It's called a 'rule book'." He chuckled. "Welcome to the team, son." He looked over at Minho, "you're not so bad either." He turned his gaze to Carlos, "you ever thought about band?" Carlos didn't need to what band was for him to know it was an insult.

"I'll work on him, coach," Ben stated, placing his gloved hand on the boy's shoulder.

The coach nodded, "let's run that again," he stated, and blew his whistle again.

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