Bonus Chapter: Kim Do Hwan's notes

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Hello readers, This is Kim Do Hwan, the owner of Hotel Blue Moon

Thank you for showing our story so much love and support! Lyla could not believe she got 1K reads! Due to some personal issues, the next chapter is experiencing a delay. (Mainly due to Aghui smh).
Lyla has given me a special task meanwhile, A QnA with the characters of Hotel Blue Moon!! Sounds exciting right?
You can ask a question about the characters and the author in the comment section of this chapter or to Lyla's dm in Wattpad, we will make sure she answers all of your questions in the upcoming chapters or in a bonus chapter like this.

Don't forget that Yi Sook is a cop, so refrain from asking overly sexual questions! :D (I personally don't mind but you know how it is)

Once again, thank you so much for taking interest in our story. The story will resume to one chapter a week template from next week.

Thank you,
Kim Do Hwan

Hotel Blue Moon (Inspired by Hotel Del Luna)Where stories live. Discover now