Chapter 6: Unfamiliar Encounter

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There are somethings that are better if we don't know about it. Guest House of the Moon is something like that. Death scares human beings the most, but most of the time, it is not the death that they fear, it is what comes after it. What happens when you close your eyes, one last time? Is it eternal darkness where you don't feel or see anything? Do we go somewhere? Heaven? Hell? All of these are abstract concepts to human mind, even the greatest scholars don't understand how this works. However, we know that death isn't the end. We know that these souls go to the Guest House if they want, we know that they go to the bridge of afterlife and cross it. We know this, because of Ma Go and Grim Reaper.
These two spirits are older than time, existed even before the creation of universe. They started to exercise their duties towards the living beings in their life and death. Why am I telling you this? Kim Do Hwan didn't know any of these, didn't give a thought about this, before he met them.

2019, June 19

"IS THAT ALL YOU GOT? COME FIGHT ME!!" Do Hwan kicked the man on the floor, screaming. The man flinched. 
"I didn't know.. I'm sorry I didn't know! Please.." The man now clutched Do Hwan's legs, begging for mercy. Do Hwan's expression remained unchanged.
"You betrayed me, Hong il. I trusted you, and you showed me who you are." The man cried, helpless.
Do Hwan took his gun from its holster, and aimed at Hong il. The man whimpered, begging again and agian. To spare him, to be never seen again in front of him. Do Hwan held tears in his eyes. 

"You'e right. You'll never see me again." Do Hwan pulled the trigger. The bullet hit through the man's forehead, his lifeless body leaned on Do Hwan's legs. Do Hwan kicked the man's body and it fell on the hard road.

"Everyone.. everyone are liars. LIARS! SCUMS!!" Do Hwan screamed in to the night.

Grim Reaper and Ma Go stood and watched Do Hwan in his angry tirade. Grim Reaper looked at Ma Go.
"Why didn't you stop him?" He asked, looking back at Do Hwan.
"Because it is not my duty. I'm only responsible for souls, not human beings." Ma Go smiled.
"He is in pain. Even I could feel it." Grim Reaper spoke, holding the man's soul as he died. Ma Go simply laughed in reply. 
"I suppose you have a plan?" Grim Reaper walked away, with Ma Go in toll. Ma Go smiled. "Maybe I do." 


"Which outfit should I wear?" Ae Ra held two dresses in front of the mirror, sighing. 
She didn't know why and how she said yes to working at the hotel. Part of her really wanted to live a normal life but after the incident with Joon, she kinda wanted to know and learn more. Weirdly she was curious about Do Hwan too. He seems and acts like a human, but is he a human really? Ae Ra shrugged.
Ae Ra finished getting ready and ready to go out, but her phone began ringing. She checked to see that it was an unknown number.
"Hello? Who is this?" Ae Ra asked, putting her shoes on in one hand.
"Hey, this is Do Hwan." Ae Ra stopped moving.
"Oh hey! I'm just about to start from my home." 
"Okay! I just thought I'll give you a ride. I'm  outside your apartment right now." Do Hwan replied shyly.
"Wow, Mr. Do Hwan, that's so kind. You didn't have to-" Ae Ra closed her apartment door, ready to rush out.
"No no. This way I can fill in with some of your doubts, if you have any, on the way."
Ae Ra chuckled. "Alright, I'm almost down."

Do Hwan was in the basement of Ae Ra's apartment, in the car park. He had just finished the call with Ae Ra, and was looking around for Ae Ra. This is new for him too. He never expected to be waiting on someone, but he really wanted this to work. Ae Ra might be perfect for this role.
"Maybe you will find someone with the exact qualities you look for."  Ma Go had said to him on the first day. Is Ae Ra the person he is looking for? 
"Are you lost?" A familiar voice called out from beside him. He turned to find a smiling Ae Ra. He grinned. "Are you ready to go?" He asked, opening the passenger side door for her. Ae Ra got on, and Do Hwan walked around and entered the car. 
"So.. what should we do in the meantime?" He asked, slowly driving out of his parking spot.
"I have a few questions.. May I ask?" Ae Ra asked. Do Hwan nodded. "I'll do my best to answer them."


"Do you know how the hotel was formed?" Ae Ra asked, curious. This is the first question that popped into her head, she thought she might as well ask it.
Do Hwan furrowed his brows. "I'm not entirely sure, but I know that Ma Go is in-charge of the hotel." Ae Ra opened her mouth, but Do Hwan guessed her next question.
"Ma Go is a spirit, God, however you name it. Her spirit powers this magical moon tree, through which the hotel operates." Ae Ra was amused.
"Wow.. these are stuff of legends. I can't believe I'm gonna see it right now." Do Hwan smiled at Ae Ra's  response. 
By then, they had arrived at the hotel. Ae Ra looked at the hotel in daylight now, she thought it was a simple, old building. But something about the building was magical. Even though the road was buzzing with people, no one seemed to notice the hotel.
"How come nobody is spotting the hotel?" Ae Ra asked, walking up the porch with Do Hwan.
"That's because they can't sense it. For them, it is just an ordinary building."  

Do Hwan opened the hotel door for Ae Ra and bowed. Ae Ra laughed. "Welcome to Hotel Blue Moon, Miss Jung." Ae Ra bowed back at him and entered the hotel, with Do Hwan right behind her. 
Distracted Kyung was falling asleep on the table, while DO Hwan watched silently. Ae Ra got close to Do Hwan. "Who is this?" She whispered. 
"That is our door boy. He is supposed to be greeting guests but look at him." Do Hwan whispered back. Ae Ra giggled. Do Hwan motioned Ae Ra to be quiet and went near Kyung, who was in slumber already.
"KYUNGGG!!" Do Hwan slammed on the desk and screamed. Kyung shot up, now standing and saluting in bewilderment. Ae Ra doubled down in laughter, and Do Hwan cackled at Kyung's sudden demeanor.
"Sir! I'm sorry... I won't sleep again." Kyung said sheepishly, scratching his head. Do Hwan patted his shoulder. 
"It's okay, sleep if you want, but be aware of the guests coming in. We shouldn't be disrespectful." Do Hwan said while Kyung nodded his head. Ae Ra simply watched them, thinking how good Do Hwan treats his staffs in the hotel.
"Kyung, this is our candidate for the hotel's manager position, Jung Ae Ra. Miss Jung, this is Kyung."   Do Hwan introduced both. Kyung smiled brightly and bowed. Ae Ra bowed back. 
 "Are you joining soon, Miss?" Kyung asked, Do Hwan nudged him. 
"Hopefully yes. I don't know what to expect.. and honestly, I'm scared too." Ae Ra replied truthfully. Kyung thought for a moment at her reply. 
"Not all ghosts are scary, Miss. Look at me, I'm ghost too!" Kyung laughed. Ae Ra hadn't realized that Kyung is actually spirit, but he seemed like a good mannered  boy. She wondered how he could have died, but thought that it would be rude to ask, so she simply just nodded while smiling. She can ask Do Hwan later anyway.

Kyung and Do Hwan guided her to the elevator. All three stood silently, not knowing what to talk.
Kyung cleared his throat. "So.. Miss Jung. Can you see spirits outside? You brought that little boy yesterday!"
Ae Ra shrugged. "I don't. I don't know how I saw him either." Kyung was confused with her reply. Even Do Hwan was lost in thought.

The elevator dinged. All three stepped into the main area of the hotel, that looked almost like a fairy tale.
"Wow!" Ae Ra exclaimed. "This looks amazing! Did you have anything to do with this?" She looked at Do Hwan. He waved his hand shyly.

Do Hwan and Ae Ra went to his office, while Kyung left to bring Mr. Ha and Mrs. Park.
"You have an amazing hotel, Mr. Do Hwan, but..I can't see any spirits now.." Ae Ra wondered, sitting with Do Hwan on the couch.
"Now it is midnight for the guests, technically. They are in their rooms now. At night, it will be like day for them." Ae Ra nodded.

Mr. Ha and Mrs. Park entered the room with Kyung. Ae Ra bowed to them and the bowed back. After exchanging pleasantries, they were pleased that there is a manager coming to the hotel finally.
"Have you seen the hotel around yet?" Mrs. Park asked, in a motherly tone. Ae Ra smiled.
"No, Mrs. Park. I think I'll see around once I start work."
The group was visibly surprised and happy hearing this. All were cheering and congratulating her. Do Hwan simply looked pleased.

"Thank you Ae Ra. You don't know how happy we are for you to join our staff." Do Hwan said, extending his hand to shake hers.
Ae Ra shook his hand. "Shall I start tomorrow?" She asked, wondering if she had made the right decision.
"You can start tonight, if you want. We are short of staff for a while now." Ae Ra nodded, smiling.

Hotel Blue Moon (Inspired by Hotel Del Luna)Where stories live. Discover now