Chapter 3: The Past and The Present

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"What did you do to become the owner?" Chan Seong asked, rather curiously. Do Hwan couldn't speak up. He didn't want to talk about his past. Chan Seong noticed the change in expression in Do Hwan's face. He smiled.

"That's alright. Man Weol didn't tell me her past until after a few months. You don't have to." 

Do Hwan felt relieved. "When would you like to come to the hotel?" 

"I'll ask for a leave tomorrow. Let's go then."

Kim Do Hwan now thought this was a bad idea. Someone is questioning who he is, this isn't a good sign. He couldn't stop thinking about this even after he left Chan Seong's home. "No one needs to find who he is." He thought as he drove. "I'll erase his memory after he had helped me. He won't know."

Back at Goo Chan Seong's house, curiosity got better of him. He sat down in front of his computer, with only that illuminating his face. "If Do Hwan came after Man Weol's parting, he must have done something recently, right?" He mumbled to himself.
He clicked on the browser icon and hesitantly, typed out. Kim Do Hwan. and waited.

1287 results. He didn't realize the name was popular. He had to narrow it out, but he didn't know how. Then he had an idea. 
Kim Do Hwan missing or dead. He carefully typed out, and pressed enter.
70 results.  "This seems doable." 


1995, August 25. 
"Do Hwan! Aren't you coming?" A female voice boomed around the big house. "Do Hwan?" 
 7 year old Do Hwan squirmed inside the closet, clutching his own hand. 

The female voice now heard closer to him, with the tapping of her shoes.  Do Hwan tensed up hearing the footsteps right in front of him. He covered his mouth with his both hands, shaking. The footsteps now slowly backed out of the room, easing him a little.

Little Do Hwan sniffled a little. "Mummy, where are you?"

Suddenly the footsteps marched towards the closet faster. Do Hwan's scared eyes darted around the closet walls. The door suddenly swung open, revealing a man dressed in a suit. 

"How many times do I have to tell you to not hide here? The man grabbed the sobbing Do Hwan despite his screams. 
"Dad, please. Let me go, please!" Do Hwan's cries only echoed louder in the empty mansion. 
"You are misbehaving too much now. You should learn a lesson." Hid dad's voice was soulless, almost like a robot.

Do Hwan was dragged by his father across the mansion into his study. He used to love coming in here to read books with his mother. Now, it is a place of his nightmare.
"Do Hwan!" The female called, running towards his dad. "Please, its okay. Just leave him be. We have to go now."
He didn't pay attention to her voice, as he dragged Do Hwan into the study. Do Hwan's screams never stopped that day.


The next day, it's the day Goo Chan Seong arrives to Hotel Blue Moon to help them with their manager problem. Kim Do Hwan seemed apprehensive about the whole thing, after Chan Seong's question. He didn't want anyone to know his past, but he still wanted to do a good job with the hotel. This put him in an unsavory position where he can't choose either. 

"Is everything ready for Mr. Goo?" Do Hwan had assembled all his staffs. After all, they should be notified for a human presence in the hotel. 
"Yes sir. We have arranged for everything. The guests will not come out until sunset, so we have plenty of time." replied Mrs. Park. 
"Great. Let's get this over with." 

At around 9:30 am, a car pulled up in front of the hotel. Goo Chan Seong walked out of the car and stopped in his tracks. He looked up at the small entrance with vine covered walls and a white mural that said 'Hotel Blue Moon'.  He was hit with nostalgia immediately, walking into a place that is so familiar yet so different. He remembered Man Weol, and everyone who was at the hotel. They were his second family and right now, he missed them more than anyone.
Chan Seong hesitantly walked in to the hotel, to be greeted by brightly smiling receptionist, just like Hyun Joong. 

"You're not dead, are you?" Kyung asked nervously. 
"I'm very much not. I'm here by the owner's invitation." Goo Chan Seong smiled, despite his feelings.
Kyung immediately brightened, as if someone held a light above him. "You must be Mr. Goo! We've been expecting you. I'm Kyung." 

Kyung lead the way from a very normal reception, into an ordinary elevator. Goo Chan Seong knew what that lead to you, and he couldn't hide his excitement. "This hasn't changed at all." He exclaimed loudly. 
"What Mr. Goo?" 
"The decor up to now. It is the same as Del Luna." Chan Seong smiled at Kyung.
"Ah, really? I haven't seen the old hotel, none of us have. All the employees are gone." Something tugged at Chan Seong's heart, even when  Kyung's remarks were innocent. His gaze shifted, and Kyung noticed it. 
"Is everything alright, sir?" Chan Seong just shrugged.

The elevator dinged open, revealing a completely new hotel, Goo Chan Seong noticed. The walls were blue instead of purple, the hotel somehow looked more elegant now. The walls adorned several paintings, windows covered in creamy-white curtains. "Mr. Do Hwan really made a lot of changes, didn't he?" He wondered out loud. 
Do Hwan watched Goo Chan Seong enter the hotel with a smile. He gently called out Chan Seong's attention. As Soon as Chan Seong looked up at him, he waved. 
"Welcome to Hotel Blue Moon, Mr. Goo." Do Hwan said, walking down the stairs. 
"Please, call me Chan Seong. You have quite redesigned the hotel!" He shook Do Hwan's hand.
"I don't know how much I have changed. I didn't see the old hotel when I came." 

They both started walking to Do Hwan's office, and right behind it was his room through a door. Chan Seong chuckled.
"This hasn't changed at all. Keeping office right next to your room." 
Do Hwan laughed with him. "This is really comfortable though."
Chan Seong noticed that the room is a lot simpler than Man Weol had, which surprised him. He voiced his thought to Do Hwan.
"I like simple design to the room, that's why. The guests rooms are pretty extravagant though." He laughed.

Chan Seong chuckled. Now it's time for business. 
"Shall we start?" He asked Do Hwan."
"Whenever you are ready."

Hotel Blue Moon (Inspired by Hotel Del Luna)Where stories live. Discover now