Chapter 28: This is War

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Chan Seong placed Ae Ra at the foot of the dying Moon Tree, arranged her arms to rest on top of her, and gently stroked her hair. He did not have time to process her death in the cave, but now that he is looking at her still face, tears welled in his eyes. Chang Min stood beside Chan Seong, unable to look at the girl in front of him. 
"What can we do to help Do Hwan?" Chang Min asked, to which Chan Seong simply sighed.

"He is an immortal being fighting a literal God." Chan Seong shook his head. "There is nothing we can do here unless we want to get killed ourselves." 
"Who said anything about not getting killed?" Chang Min took out his spare ammo, and with ease replaced it with the exhausted one in his gun. "We could distract whatever the thing Do Hwan is fighting, buy himself some time." 
"That will be mere seconds at most." Chan Seong looked at Ae Ra and back at Chang Min. "Do you have a spare gun?"
"Sometimes mere seconds are enough to change the tides in a fight." 

Chan Seong and Chang Min both walked towards the door, armed with guns.  The staff blocked their way to the door, with Mrs. Park showing her apparent disproval on her face.
"Are you both kidding me?" Mrs. Park huffed. "The owner specifically said you do not leave the hotel, and yet here you are, ready to go with guns blazing? I cannot believe this!"
Mr. Ha, who was silent the whole time, quipped. "Please, we cannot lose any more of our people. Just stay inside while they figure out what to do."
"At this rate, what can be done? We are all gonna die anyway." Chan Seong mumbled. Chang Min looked at Chan Seong, confused as to whom he was talking. 
Amidst the commotion between the staff and Chan Seong, Kyung came running towards the group.
"The Moon Tree..." Kyung looked perplexed. "Miss Jung too... I-" Before he could finish, Chan Seong dragged Chang Min towards the garden while others followed suit.
"What's going on??" Chang Min's mind was about to explode soon if this follows. But as they reached the tree in the middle of the Garden, they noticed that it had begun to sprout at a breakneck speed. Ae Ra's body was covered in grass, and flowers started to bloom around the garden. 

"King Jumong?" Chan Seong looked at Chang Min, who had the same question ringing in his head.


Do Hwan spat the blood out from his mouth, wiping it with his sleeve. He looked at Aghui snickering in the corner. No matter what attacks the Grim Reaper and him inflicted on her, they could not cause much damage. Hell, it was hard to even land a few punches. However, Do Hwan felt a sudden calmness wash over his mind. It was a weird feeling, to feel calm in the middle of the battle, but he noticed that Aghui's face was hardening as this feeling coursed through him.

In a blink, a hand burst through the forest floor, gripping Aghui's leg. She yelped at the sudden assault and swung her sword to incapacitate the hand. Her freedom was short-lived as multiple hands began popping up around her, slowly emerging as ancient soldiers clad in armor and armed with spears.
Do Hwan realized why he felt calm all of a sudden. It was time for the tables to turn in their long, pointless fight. 
"It's been a while, Aghui." A low voice growled. The whole forest shook from within. Aghui cautiously turned around to find the Emperor, mounted on top of his trusted stallion, in all his glory.

"You..." Aghui's lips twitched. "So you are finally here to face me, Jumong? I thought you were hiding like the coward you are."
King Jumong snickered. "We will see who the coward is now, would we not?" He leaped from his horse, ready to plunge his sword into Aghui's neck. Aghui narrowly evaded him, but ultimately fell into the clutches of one of his soldiers.
"You think you can defeat me with your undead dogs?" Aghui decapacitated the soldier's head, whose body slumped to the ground and turned into dust. "You have thought wrong."
It was Grim Reaper's turn next. He knocked the sword off of Aghui's hand, almost chopping it off in the process. Aghui growled like a cornered mutt. 
"You have devastated the balance of this universe through your hatred for all things living." The Emperor proclaimed. "You have wrecked,  killed, and destroyed everything in your path, and you will pay for your crimes against life."

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