Chapter 28.

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At your house, night time*

You are just done watching camp pining hearts and attack on titan season 2. You are really tired after spending your time watching them. You go to your bathroom wash your face with clean soap and water, brushed your teeth, and put on your pajamas. You go to your room and turn the lights on. You see a dark bubble just floating around the ceiling of your bedroom with iron's gem in it. You walked on the walls and quickly grab the bubble. You are wondering on what to do with iron's gem. Should you pop it and interrogate her or bring it back to the temple. You had a lot of thinking and just decided to bring it to the temple tomorrow morning.

At Steven's Bathroom*

Steven is preparing himself for bed by brushing his teeth, cleaning his face and swabbing his ear. He then sits on the toilet, lifts up his pajamas shirt and wipes his gem. The clean gem reflects his face on it, and he gives himself a thumbs-up.

At Steven's Room*

Steven dives into his bed and lays upright.

Steven: Goodnight, Happy Bear. Goodnight, Sad Bunny. Goodnight, Playful Kitty. Goodnight, Ominous Triangle at the foot of my bed.

Steven closes his eyes to sleep. He then opens his eyes again, and the Ominous Triangle has disappeared.

Steven: Ugh, whatever. (closes his eyes and smiles*)

Peridot's hand then closes over Steven's mouth, causing him to scream-muffled and struggle. Peridot then drags steven with her to the warp pad, the warp pad activates causing steven and peridot to disappear. Amethyst's door opens revealing a tired amethyst.

Amethyst: (yawns heavily*) Hey steven, are you still up yet?! Let's watch some-(notices steven is gone*) T.V...Ggaaahhhhhhhhh!!!! What do I do?! What do I do!! Wait, GARNET!!! PEARL!!!

The temple's door opens revealing garnet and pearl.

Pearl: Amethyst what is it? Can't you see I'm arranging my swords?

Amethyst: St-St-Steven's gone!!

Pearl: (eyes widen*) What?!!

Garnet: Hmm, it must be peridot. Pearl, call y/n to be here, we'll need him.

Pearl: But garnet, isn't this our time to prove to y/n we can handle Peridot alone. I mean, he did just handle iron all by himself. And iron is much more stronger than peridot.

Garnet: Just trust me pearl. Y/N has other reasons to be here.

Pearl:And what is that?

Garnet:... If I tell you what happens, it wouldn't happen (runs to the warp pad*)

Pearl: (a little creeped out*) Ookkayy...

At your house*

You are sleeping peacefully in your bed, until your phone rings.

You: (growls*) What is it this time?!!(sighs and you pick up your phone*)

You (at the phone*): Hello...

Pearl (at the phone*): Y/N!!! Steven just disappear!!!

You (at the phone*): What?!! Are you serious?!! Do you have any where he could be now?!!

Pearl (at the phone*): We don't know y/n, just be here!!(hangs up*)

You quickly got up from your bed, prepare yourself and grab iron's bubble. You goto your garage and quickly started y/v's engine. After you go outside with your y/v, you close your garage and make sure your entire house is lock before going to steven's house. You got back at your y/v and started to drive as soon as possible.

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