Chapter. 6

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You just wake up in the morning. You couldn't stop thinking about lapis that day whether did she she find her home or not. You now have a breakfast while watching tv. After that you had a shower and clean yourself. Lastly, you now locked your house and decided to use your motorcycle, unfortunately it was destroyed. So you just walk to steven's house that morning.

You knocked at Steven's door and he greeted you with happiness. You hugged him and greeted him back. After you enter the house. You see garnet and amethyst sitting at the couch while pearl is missing.

Garnet: Sup, y/n. How are you doing?

You smiled at her:

You: Im alright garnet, same as usual

Amethyst: Yow, y/n!

Amethyst immediately runs toward you and punches you in the shoulder.
You are rubbing your shoulder and smiled at him. You now see steven making some sort of waffles with some popcorn, maple syrup and a white icing with a strawberry on top.

Steven: Hey, y/n do you want to eat a "together breakfast"?

You: No, thank-

Amethyst went crazy after the "together breakfast" episode and:

amethyst: NOPE!!

Then she throws it outside a window. Of course the window is broken. You don't know why did she do that.

You: Amethyst, why did you do that? We could save for it later.

Amethyst: That thing... Tried to kill us.

Steven: Oh come on, amethyst we both know it was just an accident.

You: What accident? Garnet?

Garnet just had some flashbacks on the "together breakfast" episode and:

Garnet: y/n, that thing can kill you.

You: How?

Garnet:... Calories...

You: Ok....

Then pearl gets out of her room and sees the four of you having a discussion.

Pearl: Oh, hello y/n. What brings you here?

You Oh nothing. I just wanna hang out with you guys. By the way, how's greg? Does he need any help?

Pearl: Greg's fine. Steven just heals his broken leg with his magical spit powers.

You: Oh, that makes sense

Pearl: Oh, and before i forget, here's your sword. You forgot to bring it with you.

Pearl now gives you the double sided sword. You looked at it and you see a reflection of yourself inside the sword. You hug pearl and thank her for giving it back to you. Of course she smiled awkwardly and she is really uncomfortable...

Garnet: Alright everyone. Are you ready?

You: Where are you guys going?

Garnet: We are gonna check the galaxy warp, making sure every warp pad is inactive.

Amethyst: Making sure those stupid homeworld gems can't get here.

Pearl: Yeah.. And if one of the warp pads is active?

Everyone went silent for a minute. Especially pearl. You now decided to end the silent treatment.

You: So, uh. Can i come?

Steven is lightened by your idea and quickly ask garnet, amethyst, and pearl if it's ok if you come with them at the galaxy warp.

Steven: Garnet! Garnet! Garnet!

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