Chapter 25...

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At the communication hub*

Iron's gem is seen lying around at the sand. A little wind passes through the gem and it suddenly glow. The glow is color white and as the lights were moving, iron suddenly pops out of her gem. Iron groans and rubbed her head and she looked around knowing absolutely nothing about the area. She notices some cactus and some mountains and that's all except the sands. She now looked at the back and was shocked.

Iron: Gahhh!!!

She saw the communication hub in front of her eyes. Peridot is seen trying to fix the communication hub. Iron now approaches her.

Iron: Hey peridot. What are we doing here in this primitive hub?

Peridot:(rolls her eyes*) Well if you must know iron. Some of us are trying to get back to homeworld as soon as possible and get out of this good for nothing planet.

Iron: You're right peridot, we need to get out of this planet as soon as possible. Besides, we don't have no choice. Especially we are on the very own planet that has the cluster inside.

Peridot now remembers the cluster and speeds up fixing the hub. Iron didn't bother helping her, instead she decided to remember her days on the gem war. She remembers her biggest mistake during at that time.

{If you guys can keep up to my story 😉😉 you would know what I'm talking about XD}

At Steven's Room*

Steven and Amethyst are watching an episode of Crying Breakfast Friends! in his bedroom. In the cartoon, Crying Pear accidentally dropped his ice cream on the floor, and he and Sad Spoon start crying. Bawling Bacon then arrives, looks at the mishaps for a while and starts crying as well.

Amethyst: I don't get this cartoon, man, why don't they just eat that ice cream off the floor? They don't have to cry about it.

Crying Pear continues to cry, when the TV's signal suddenly starts glitching up.

Steven: Aw, not again. It was doing this yesterday too.

Amethyst: Hang on, I got it. (gets up and starts kicking the TV set on its side a few times*) How about now? Gah!

The TV set starts shaking and rumbling, to Amethyst's surprise.

Steven: (surprised*) It's never done that before.

A flickering video of Peridot speaking gibberish then appears, before stabilizing and her dialogue becoming audible.

Peridot: This is Peridot transmitting on all frequencies from abandoned crystal system colony planet Earth, to Yellow Diamond. My mission has been compromised, my escort jasper and informant (raises two fingers to indicate number*) are gone. However, the other escort of mine also known as iron. Is with me. And now, me and iron are now stranded! (yells desperately*) Please send help!

The transmission continues to repeat itself on the TV, as the Crystal Gems gather around and watch it together TV. Steven is then seen calling someone on his phone.

Steven: Okay, thanks. (hangs up*) Connie says it's on her TV too. Hold on, I'll call y/n to be sure.

Steven now dials your number and calls you.

At your house*

You are watching an anime called "Attack on Titan". You are at the part where eren's mother was gonna be eaten by a titan. You couldn't take your eyes at the scene and when your phone suddenly rings.

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