Chapter 11

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At the Beach*

You, steven and connie are sitting on the beach in front of the crystal temple...

Steven: (covering his eyes*) Can I look yet?

You: (also covering your eyes*) Come on, connie. What the surprised?

Connie: Okay.

Connie pulls out a book titled "Unfamiliar Unfamiliar".

You and steven opens your eyes and  steven is shock and gasps, you in the other hand, don't know what it is

Steven: BOOOOKS! Whoa, cool cover!

You: Connie, what is it?

Connie: Y/N i am pleased to show you and steven, my favorite series! It's about this girl named Lisa and she's a witch! - I mean, she doesn't know she's a witch at first, and she has a familiar, which is sorta like this spirit companion that everyone in the world has. And hers is a talking falcon named Archimicarus! Anyways she goes on this quest to find her father after he's kidnapped by the mysterious one-eyed man.

You: (looked at your right side with a smirk*) I wish my dad was kidnapped...

Connie: What did you say, y/n?

You: Connie, it's nothing...

Steven: Whoa, mystery!

Connie: Here! Lemme get you both started! (takes the book from Steven and opens it*) Ahem. "Chapter One: The Morning Thief. Lisa awoke with a start, the echoes of her dreams still dancing in her mind, the low rumble of thunder murmured through the quiet house- "

A distant rumbling noise is then heard, shocking you, steven and connie a bit.

Steven: Wooah, this is a really good book! What do you think y/n

You: It's pretty great..

Connie: Uh... okay. "The house was deathly still. The only sound Lisa could hear was her own heartbeat pounding in her ears. The hairs on her neck tingled when suddenly-"

Something then suddenly plunges into the sea near them.

Steven: What the-

You gasp and quickly avoid the water reaching you by performing a cartwheel move, meanwhile the two just stay there and was splashed by the water

Steven & Connie: (gets splashed by water*) Aahh!

The gems burst out of the beach houseto see what is happening.

Amethyst: What was that?

You: I think it's those things at the warp pad.

A giant green sphere rolls onto the beach from the sea, and legs extend out of it.

Steven: It's one of the marble robots

connie: What?

The robonoid starts advancing towards Steven and Connie. Garnet quickly jumps in between and stops it with her gauntlets.


You, Amethyst & Pearl: (leap into the air and dive towards the robonoid*) Huuuuuh- Yaaaaaah!!!

You now raise your double sided sword, and hit a devestating blow at the marble robot and you the Gems successfully destroy the robonoid, while Steven has already summoned his bubble shield to protect himself and Connie.

Steven: (dispels his bubble*) You okay?

Connie: ( is amazed*) I love hanging out at your place!

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