Chapter 42.

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At The Barn*

When a hatch opens from the crashed Roaming Eye in the ground and a one-eyed Ruby emerges out of it. You, Steven, Iron, Lapis, Peridot and the Crystal Gems all gasp as the Ruby starts looking around.

Steven: Ruby? Whoa-?

Garnet grabs the back of Steven's shirt and pulls him away. Everyone retreat back inside the barn as "Eyeball" lands on the ground, growls, and walks away. Another "Army" jumps out of the hatch and begins making fighting noises and poses.

Army: (picks up a flower and kicks it*) Hi-ya! (cartwheels away*)

Navy:(pops out and gasps with excitement*)What a lovely planet! (walks away happily*)

Leggy: (sticks her head out nervously*) Wait! So we just... get out and walk around? Whoa-!

Leggy gets shoved out of the Eye by Doc. Army meanwhile, can be seen kicking a twig.

Doc: Now, where's the Gem the scanners locked on to? (looks around*) Let's fan out and search the area!

You and Steven peeks out of the door from inside the barn to look at the five Rubies from Homeworld.

Steven: Whoa, look at 'em all!

You: Hmm, interesting. Another kinds of rubies eh?

You analyzed that most of the rubies are not as smart as you would expect. The only one that got your attention is doc and eyeball. For you, it is obvious that doc is the acting leader of the group and as for eyeball you have a hunch of her being smart enough to know what's going on or in short, you think she has more common sense than the others.

You: I wonder if they are different from the ruby we have.

Peridot: (peeks over too, on top of Steven*) I knew it. They're after me! This is THE END of the line!

Lapis: You really weren't kidding.

Peridot: I disobeyed a direct order from Yellow Diamond, and I called her a clod... to her face.

Pearl: Oh, honestly, you call everyone a clod.

Peridot: Yes, but not everyone has command over all the armies of Homeworld waiting for the word to shatter me!

Peridot scampers to a box of baseball equipment, dumps out the contents and hides inside the box. While peridot is hiding in the ground, lapis sighs from dissapointment. She looked around and noticed iron.

Lapis: (to iron*) Wait, who are you again? And why did you suddenly kiss y/n in the cheeks?

Lapis asks iron. Lapis is not aware that she is iron because of her new form. So, lapis doesn't really know the white lady is. Iron meanwhile, feels awkward bot only because of her kissing you in the cheeks but also she was not actually in good terms with her in the first place.

Iron: (nervously*) Oh uhhh, I am eve human jr? hehehe

Amethyst laughs at iron's attempt. Amethyst walks to iron.

Amethyst: (points at iron*) You mean this white girl over here? Yeah, you see (taps her legs*) she's iron.

Lapis was quiet for a second then let out a loud laugh, thinking this is one of amethyst's jokes.

Lapis: Hahahaha!! Good one amethyst. Now I see why you're the joker here.

Lapis looks at the crystal gems and they seem not looking well.

Lapis: Wait, are you all serious?

Lapis looks at you and you just nodded. Lapis's left eye flinch from the info that she just realized.

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