Chapter 29.

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Outside of Steven's Bathroom*

Garnet with you, amethyst, and pearl is seen angrily knocking on the bathroom door and yelling at it.

Garnet: (angrily knocking on door*) Open the door, Peridot and Iron! If this "Cluster" is putting us in danger, you need to tell us what it is so we can stop it.

Peridot:(holding the doorknob on the other side*) NO! I hate you. I'm not telling you anything about the Cluster!

Iron: No!! We'll never talk to you, you bunch of rebels! NEVER! Especially to that human!! Hahahaha!!!

Y/N is a little pissed about what iron said.

Amethyst:(leans on Pearl's back*) Oh, come on! Is it like a big... hunk of... granola?

Iron and Peridot:... What's "granola"?

Pearl: I'm sure it's not granola. Now Peridot and iron, I'm sure we can reach some sort of agreement. Perhaps a trade is in order?

Peridot: Oh, sure, why don't you just give me back my leg enhancements and my arm attachments with my screen and my log and all my information! Oh wait, YOU DESTROYED THEM! SO NO, I DON'T THINK WE CAN REACH SOME SORT OF AGREEMENT!!

Iron: Oh and don't forget, GIVE US BLACK DIAMOND'S GEM!!!

You: Iron, you little pebble! Why you!!  Who's black diamond exactly!! Answer me!!

Iron: Just like I said! We'll never talk, especially about that topic!! HAHAHAHA!!!

You and the Gems collectively groan, when toilet flushing is heard, revealing that Steven is still inside the bathroom with Peridot and Iron.

Steven: Okay Peridot, Iron, you two can turn around now.

Steven comes out of the bathroom.

Steven: (clears his throat*) Sorry for, interrupting your interrogation.

Garnet: Don't worry about it, Steven.

Pearl: I swear, Peridot or iron is gonna crack any second now!

You: I don't know pearl, this is some tough peeble we got here. It will take some time, patience, and hard work to crack this rocks.

Peridot: The y/n is right pearl, We'll never crack for the likes of you, you... CRYSTAL CLODS! (laughs*)


Garnet: Hold on Pearl. If this two will not going to be any help, let's investigate this thing on our own. Y/N are you coming with us?

You are hanging on the wall next to the door of steven's bathroom.

You: Hmm, no thanks. Someone has to guard this bunch of idiots right?

Iron: (screams*) What?!!! Why you little shi- Listen up human!! You are only powerful because you have black diamond's gem!! Without it, you are nothing!! You wouldn't even come close to arrow on hand to hand combat!!! You are the true definition of a weakling and a failure!!

You: SHUT UP!!

Iron: You are an embarrassment!!

Steven:I'll come with you!

Garnet: Sorry Steven, we're gonna need you to stay here and help y/n on keeping an eye on our... "guest". (adjusts her visor*)

Steven: Really?!

Amethyst: Yeah! You two make sure they don't try anything.

Pearl: Don't worry, peridot is harmless without her limb enhancers.

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