Chapter 50.

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"And in exchange, we'll help you find what happened to your friend, luna..."
Lapis is shock to hear this offer by garnet. The two other figures shoa their face and it is amethyst and pearl. Lapis thinks on what shall she do next.


"What in the stars is a shadow assassin?" Lapis asks, trying to lie to the crystal gems, hoping that she can fool them.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Lapis says with an annoyed tone.

Lapis then summons her wings "But thanks for the offer." Lapis readies herself to take off.

"facet-1f5l cut-4xa!" Garnet shouts at lapis and lapis looks at garnet with a shocked face.

"Is that the assigned name of your missing friend, lapis?" Garnet asks lapis.

Garnet awaits for an answer from lapis. Amethyst and pearl points their weapon at lapis, not knowing what will be her next move is.

The atmosphere changes in the place. The breeze of the air become a little more powerful. Dark clouds  replace the once bright sky along with covering the sun. The grasses move along with the breeze of the violent winds.

Lapis takes a foot forward to garnet. "What do you know about my dear friend lapis?" Lapis asks garnet as she clenches her fist.

Garnet sees this and summons her weapon, her gauntlets just in case something goes wrong.

"Wait which lapis are wel talking about?" Amethyst asks which enraged lapis more.

"My teacher! My friend! Lapis facet-1f5l cut-4xa Lazuli!" Lapis snaps

"How come you don't know anything?!" Lapis asks amethyst with an angry tone.

"Woah, chill out lapis. I'm just kidding around." Amethyst replies to her but with a bit of fear on her tone.

"How did you know her full name?!" Lapis points at garnet, asking with anger on her voice.

Garnet offers a hand to lapis.

"We'll tell you if you help us catch the shadow assasin." Garnet tells lapis with a calm voice.

Lapis looks at garnet's hand. Thinking if she will agree with the decision or not.


I stopped for a moment thinking what I'm gonna do. Should I accept that fusion's offer or not.

I look at palms. The left palms is y/n, the only one who can understand my pain and trauma while my right is luna, my first friend and the one who taught me everything I know about terraforming. I focused more on my gem, remembering what the two had done to me...

Both did great things to ms. Luna teach me about what I know about terraforming and the first friend who I made... While y/n... y/n is the most valuable friend to me now....

Curse the stars for making me choose in such two valuable person to me.

"Do you know why we hate the shadow assassin so much?" I look at garnet, asking me such an odd and an interesting question at the same time.

"Why? Why do you hate these shadow assasin so much?" I ask garnet not showing emotions.

"Because... He tried to shatter steven and nearly succeeded." Pearl said

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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