You're An Idiot, Racer || Ravey

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Racer fell down to the ground, his papers falling from his hands as blood slipped from between his lips.

Morris sneered, his foot colliding with the blond's side, earning a pained groan.

"Get up, Higgins." the elder Delancey brother snarled,

Race spit out a bit of blood before glaring harshly to the other male "get fucked, d'lancey."

Morris gave the other boy another sharp kick to the side, once again earning a groan full of pain.

"You better watch your mouth, boy."

Racer often had problems with shutting his mouth, usually making his situation worse more times than not. The newsboy had a tendency to egg others on, especially the Delancey brothers, even more so the one currently beating him up.

This mouthing off problem of Racer's is also made worse when he knows the reason he's in bad with someone and this was one of those times. So, of course, he had to go and make it worse for himself.

Racetrack slowly moved his arms to push himself up slightly, giving the male towering over him a bloody grin as he replied with "oh, I'll watch it kissin' your brod-"

A kick to the face made the newsie instantly shut up.

"You shit," Morris growled, reaching to grip Race's shirt, "I'll ki-"

"Oi, hey!"

Delancey turned his head toward the sound of the voice, glaring at the newly appeared David and Les.

"Leave him alone."

That had earned an amused snort from the older Delancey brother, causing him to stand up straight and take a few steps towards the two brothers.

"Why don't you get outta here, this has nothing to do with you."

The look that adorned Davey's face was one that no one has ever witnessed, a look of pure anger.

"Get outta here!" Morris growled out.

Davey gripped his fist, making his way to the older Delancey brother, shaking his head.

"You think yo-"

Davey's fist colliding with his jaw caused the other to shut his mouth, stumbling back.

"I said get away from him." Another punch to Morris' jaw had him on the ground, holding his rapidly bruising face.

"C'mon Les, help me get him up and outta here."

"'Kay, Davey."
Davey dabbed the wound on Race's forehead with the wet cloth, earning a wince from the blond.

"Okay, Dave, 'm good." Racer lifted his hand to move Davey's away.

"You're not good," David grabbed his wrist and pinned it down against the bed with a faint huff "you're hurt and the cut- quit moving."

"Make me, Jacobs." The blond growled and ripped his wrist from the other's grip before yelping.

"You're an idiot, Racer." the brunette sighed, tossing the cloth into the bucket, "how'd you even get Delancey on your ass?"

Race shook his head and sat up, lifting his hand to his forehead, wincing when it made contact with the wound.

"Don't touch it," Davey once again grabbed the other's wrist and pinned it down onto the bed, this time giving him a glare to accompany the action.

"Dave, let goes!"

The brunette smirked, not loosening his grip as he leaned a bit towards the other "make me, Higgins."

Number one thing that no one should say to the blond who had no regard for his personal safety.

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