Coffee || Jolbert

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Albert shoved his hands into his pockets as he stepped into the cold world of Manhattan in winter.

"Fucking.." the boy muttered, pulling his scarf over his mouth as a large gust of wind came against him.

After the sound of three dings entered his ears, the redhead slipped his phone from his pocket and squinted to read the message.

don't forget my coffee❤️

With an eye roll, the boy put his phone back into his pocket and continued his way down the pavement.

His eyes scanned the storefronts in front of him before they finally landed on the newly opened coffee shop.

The gay grinned when he remembered a certain boy who worked the pastry counter, immediately causing him to sprint to the storefront, eyeing the inside until he found the boy he couldn't stop thinking about.

After spotting him, the boy swiftly turned and made his way through the door, going to the counter where the boy worked.

"How may I- Albert!"

"Hey, Jojo! When are you getting off?"

"In an hour, why? You wanna get lunch or something?"

"Well, I was thinking I could take the ever cute Josephino Jorgelino out for a date."

"Oh," the pastry chef swiftly turned, in an attempt to hide his blush and compose himself. He cleared his throat before turning back around with a nod, holding out a small bag of pastries he had made up for the boy earlier "I'd love to go on a date with you, Al."

"Great!" Albert grinned as he carefully took the bag from the other "text me when you're off, we can make plans then, yeah?"

Jojo nodded with a smile before glancing towards the person behind the boy who grew more and more impatient as their conversation went on.

"I'll see you, Albert."
When Albert's phone ding he practically dove to retrieve it from the kitchen counter.

He was smiling before he even read the contact name, knowing it was Jojo. His smile only grew when he saw he was right.

i'm outside and freezing

buzz me in?

The boy immediately put his phone down and ran to the door and out of it, planning on letting the boy in personally.

He opened the door and sprinted out of it, the sound of it slamming coming from behind him.

Soon the boy was holding the front door to his apartment building open, panting like a dog from running down the stairs.

"You could've just buzzed me in like I asked, Al."

"I wouldn't have seen your cute face this soon if I did."

Jojo flushed, hoping to god that it blended with the redness of his cheeks from the cold air, before looking down "you want to let me get out of the cold?"

"Only if I can continue to make you blush."

"Deal, you loser."

Albert smiled and held out his hand, allowing the other to take it, before leading him to the elevator.

When they were safely in the apartment the two of them settled on the couch while a pot of coffee brewed in the kitchen.

"How about we go to that diner then catch a movie?"

"Stardust or Manhattan?"

"Manhattan, not in the mood to hear college kids sing, especially when I live with a college kid who doesn't stop."

"That's fair." Jojo snorted as the coffee machine beeped to signify it was done.

"Just sugar, right?"

Jojo nodded with a smile as the other boy got up and made his way to the kitchen.

"What kinda movie are you interested in?"

"Anything that isn't singing or Marvel, I get enough of that from my friends."

Jojo got his phone out and pulled up the website for the Alamo in Brooklyn.

"Wanna see some gay cowboys?"

"I'm guessing they're showing old movies today?"

"Right you are."

Albert made his way out of the kitchen, two steaming mugs in hand as he slowly made it to the couch.


The power to the apartment building cut out as the wind picked up outside, causing the redhead to trip over his foot and fall.

Jojo quickly turned on his phone's flashlight and pointed it to the other boy, worry on his face "are you okay?"

"Besides being covered in coffee and potentially first degree burns, I'm great." Albert choked out, tears pricking at his eyes as he turned to look out the window, "I think we may want to wait on that date."

The only view Albert had was white, as a snowstorm raged outside.

Jojo frowned at the hurt and upset expression on the others face before perking up at the idea that popped into his head "how about I clean you up? Do you have board games and candles?"

"I.. think we have a few board games and Racer definitely has a few candles."

"Then that will be our date."

"You cleaning me and board games?"

"I could let you suffer."

"No, please."

Jojo snickered and made his way to the bathroom to get towels and look for the first aid kit before returning to the other boy.

Once he was cleaned and had burn cream on the areas that hurt the most the two found what they could on the board game and candle front before spending their night on the floor.

Their night ended with them falling asleep, snuggled together on the floor.

a/n: my ability to write endings has abandoned me, forgive me

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