This Is Right || Ralbert

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"Well maybe sometimes god is wrong!"

Various gasps game from the student body, as well as some of the staff as Race stood, shouting.

Mixed in with all the gasps were quiet variations of 'oh my god, Racer...' from his friends.

Why? He stood up and screamed that, in the middle of an assembly in a Catholic School.

Let's just say that wasn't the best idea he could've had. Only, he didn't care. He was tired of hearing 'God hates xyz' over and over. He just wanted it to stop.

The headmaster cleared her throat, gaining the attention of everyone - Race included.

She looked to the defiant boy before speaking "and what makes you say that?"

"You say that God makes everyone how they're supposed to be? Well, I say sometimes he's wrong."

"Race, sit down!" Albert whispered shouted, pulling on his hand.

The blonde slightly slapped his hand away, not breaking eye contact with the headmaster "I mean, he fucked up pretty bad by making some people the wrong gender at birth. And I guess he fucked up by making gay people too, right? I mean, everyone's supposed to be straight and perfect! Well I'm sorry but not everyone can be." he picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder before storming towards the door "I'm gay, by the way, you pathetic humans." and with that, he left the auditorium - leaving everyone in stunned silence.

Well, everyone except for Albert. He had gotten up and ran after Race, worried for this boy he had fallen madly in love with over the years of knowing him.

"Race!" He called as he ran up to the blonde who had stopped in front of the doors to leave the building. Albert panted slightly as he finally stopped, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder "hey, Racer.."

That's when Albert saw the tears streaming down Race's cheeks.

The taller boy's heart broke instantly at the sight before him. He never wanted Race sad, he never wanted to see him cry but he did. He was the only one Racer would ever dare to cry in front of.

"Albert.." The blonde whispered, not looking towards him.


"Can we go get ice cream?"

"Yes." Albert nodded, causing a small smile to appear on the other's face.

Racetrack quickly turned and placed a kiss on the redhead's cheek - leaving him to smile while his cheeks tint pink.

The boy took a deep breath, composing himself as he held his hand out "I need to money from my locker."

With a nod, Racer took his hand and the two made their way to Albert's locker.

The taller of the two started to raise his hand to put in the combination, only Race refused to let go.

"Uh, Tony? Can you-"



With that Albert raised his other hand, putting in the three numbers before retrieving the money he had stashed in the back, in a jar.

Counting as best so his ability with one hand he soon figured he had $5. Which was definitely not enough, he wanted to take Race to the expensive ice cream parlour. Why? His Racetrack only deserved the best.

Albert stuffed the cash into his pocket before pulling out his phone.

Pick, I need some money,
taking race to omc

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