Holding Hands || Javey Shortshot

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Jack sighed peacefully, looking over to his boyfriend who was looking out at the boats in the ocean.

The shorter of the two truly adored the taller one, his boyfriend of five months. Though he never really showed it, he really did love him. More than anything else in this life.

He's even gotten closer to letting Davey touch his hand, even if it's not for long, he's getting better at it.


"Yes, Jack?"

Jack quickly turned towards the boats as his boyfriend made an effort to look back to himself.

"I've been thinking about something for a while and I now know I actually want it.."

David tilted his head, running a few thoughts through his mind before it landed on the dirtiest of the options, causing him to become flustered.

"Jacky, uh, do you mean... you know?"

"What?" he quickly turned to the other only to shake his head rapidly "no!"

"Then... what?"

Jack turned away and, once again, found solace in looking at the boats.

David turned from his boyfriend and continued to run thought through his head. His lover didn't want what he had originally thought, which was a relief, to say the least.

Kissing could've been an option but the problem there is that they've done plenty of that during their five months together.

It could be hugging, David thought, imagining the two of them embracing and showing their affection for each other in a way that felt a bit more closer, in his opinion, than kissing.

But then he shook his head to himself, Jack wasn't a hugger, with what his father would do, he wasn't much comfortable with touching.

Then a thought crossed the taller one's mind. What if Jack wanted to break up?

No, that couldn't be what it was Jack wanted. Jack loved him... right?

Davey glanced to his boyfriend, fully prepared to ask if he did love him before seeing him shift his position to be fully facing the taller boy.

"David, uh," the shorter of the two cleared his throat before slowly lifting his hand, making a faint grabbing motion.

Davey looked to Jack's hand and just stared for a moment before realising what the other was asking.

Hand holding. That's what Jack wanted.

He slowly lifted his own hand and carefully placed it into his lover's, allowing him to intertwine their fingers.

Jack moved closer to David, laying his head against his shoulder with a smile. The both of them were content.

"I love you, Davey."

"I know, Jacky.. I love you too."

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