Untitled Javey Shortshot

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Davey yawned as he made his way past the bathroom, flipping off the light in the hallway in the process.

"Davey!" a voice suddenly called, causing him to stop in his tracks and slowly turn towards the slightly ajar door.

He went and quickly opened the door the rest of the days, eyes landing on Jack.

"What are you- how did you get in here?"

Jack lifted his uninjured arm and pointed to the open window.

"You came in through the window?"


"Jack, baby, I'm on the sixth floor."

"You weren't home."

"You have a key!"

"Well, I'm sorry I didn't still have it after being mugged." The brunette replied calmly as he finished cleaning his shoulder wound.

"Wait, you were mugged?"

Jack nodded, pointing to the cabinet behind the toilet "wanna grab the first aid kit and patch me up?"

"I- no? You were mugged and you're way too calm about it plus someone got my apartment key and-"

"Babe, Davey, I called your landlord already for a new lock. Besides, it's not the first time I've been mugged. Now," he pointed to his wound "arm."

Davey inhaled as he turned to the cabinet and opened it, pulling the white box from it.

When he turned back around, Jack was shirtless (and holding his shirt against his wound, of course).

"I thought you finished cleaning that?"

"Well, when you're shot-"

"You were- JACK." Davey sprinted out of the room and frantically searched for his phone, dialling the number for the nearest hospital.

When he returned to the bathroom, he helped his partner off the counter and forced him into the living room to lay on the couch until the paramedics arrived.

"Davey, I'm fine. Just need-"

"To shut up and listen to me. You were shot, you were mugged, and you probably hit your head with how calm you're acting. You need to go to hospital."



The desperation in his lover's voice was enough to make him stop talking and just nod.

"Thank you," Davey sighed and sat on the floor by the couch, leaning his head onto Jack's good shoulder.

"You know, I don't deserve you."

"I," Davey sat up slightly, looking at the other for a moment before sighing and returning his head to its spot, "love you, Jack Kelly."

"I love you too, Davey."

a/n: jack kelly would 100% be extremely calm after being mugged and shot and no, i do not accept criticism

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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