I Was Born Sick, but I Love It || Sprace

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   ⚠️ Trigger warning(s): attempted murder as an act of homophobia

Spot, after staring at the clock on the wall for the past thirty minutes, sprung up from his Spot at the dining table and ran to retrieve his coat and boots, quickly putting them on before sprinting out the door.

The male ran to the stables, opening the stall that contained his horse he rushed to put the harness onto him. No time for a saddle, Spot climbed onto the mare and used the spur on his boot to make her take off.

He made it to his destination in about five minutes, a bar that his lover worked for.

Throwing his left leg over the horse's head, he jumped down and quickly tied her to the hitching rail before making his way up the wooden steps and into the building. He tried not to let his worry get to him as he scanned the patrons.

Once his eyes landed on the person he wanted, he yelled out their name, earning a startled yell followed by a pint glass shattering.

Anthony, his lover who was often referred to by their friends as Racer, turned with a scowl adorning his face "the fuck was-"

The shorter of the two men grabbed the taller one's wrist and tugged him out of earshot of everyone else.

Before Race could ask anything, Spot quickly said: "Molly didn't come home."

"What the fuck do you mean Molly didn't come home?"

"Molly and her nan- aunt weren't there when I got home. I waited a bit, and neither of them turned up."

Race turned quickly, going straight to Jack before tapping him on the shoulder.

The male turned and smiled slightly, nodding.

"Where's Katherine."

Jack thought for a moment before shrugging "home?"

Race sent a glare towards the other "I need to know if she had my daughter. Spot said she didn't come home."

Jack nodded before registering what the other had said, "I wasn't home so I wouldn't know. I can go with you to find out if you want."

Racer shook his head "you gotta be here to help Buttons."

Jack turned around to see their friend trying not to have a breakdown while he dealt with the men hitting on him.

He then turned back around with a nod "go."

The blond watched as Jack stormed off to the group of men before turning to go back to his lover.

"Let's get out of here."

Spot nodded his head, resisting the urge to hold his hand as they left the bar.
"There you two are!" Katherine, more than shouted as she opened the front door, watching the two men get off their horses, "what took you so long?"

"What are you talking about?"

The girl turned to Spot, raising an eyebrow "I sent Romeo out to get you an hour ago."

Race and Spot looked to each other before the blond stepped forward "Katherine, where's Molly?"

"Come," The redhead turned on her heel and made her way into the large home, leading the lovers to the sitting room where their daughter sat on the couch, bandages around her hairline.

At the sound of their boots hitting against the hardwood floor and the smell of smoke and liquor coming from Racer, Molly perked up and turned her head towards where she figured they were by the time the sound stopped "daddy! Papa!"

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