Just Another Soulmate Thing Pt. 2 || Spralbert

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Spot groaned as sunlight poured through Race's non-curtained windows and shined into his eyes. He will never understand how this boy functioned without window coverings.

He sighed feeling the bed shift from beside him, signifying that his lover had gotten up from the bed.

"Space heater, come back.." the boy tiredly mumbled, turning and reaching out to where he thought Racer had been standing only to be met with the wall.

"First all, rude." the blond muttered, digging through his clothes hamper, "second, you should get up."

The shorter of the two once again groaned and turned onto his back, rubbing his eyes before he squinted them open.

"C'mon, Spot." Race huffed climbing into bed slightly to grip his boyfriend's hand, tugging slightly.

The boy looked to his boyfriend and took in the features of his face before glancing at his shirt "you look nice in that colour."

"Purple? Really? Kath always says I shouldn't but.. if you like it." The blond smiled, looking exceptionally pleased with the shirt he had pulled from his hamper.

Spot nodded and yawned as he sat up before freezing. Did Racer say purple? No. His shirt was grey.

The tired boy looked over to Race who was now grabbing socks from a bag and fully looked at the shirt. Grey.

"Hey, babe?"


"Why don't you hang out with Albert today? I have to do some studyin' and I don't want you to suffer."

"Spot, hon, if you still need help with math, I gotcha."

"No, I have a soulmate exam comin' up-"

"Oh, then I'm out." Racer moved to kiss him before shoving his socks onto his feet, grabbing his phone, "I'll text you later, we can get pizza."

"Sounds great." Spot smiled, giving the other nod, watching him struggle to put on his boots.

When the taller of the two finally left the room, Spt scrambled to find his phone, opening his messages.

He scrolled until he found the one named David, No Goliath.


David, No Goliath
me, David. you, Spot?

very funny
but i have a problem

David, No Goliath
what's the problem?

i can't see colour

David, No Goliath
David, No Goliath

In a matter of seconds, Spot's phone was ringing, causing him to flinch before registering who it was.

He slid the bar over to answer, immediately being yelled many questions revolving around "how did this happen?" and "what happened?" as well as a "Race is still your soulmate, right?"

"Uh," at the final question, Spot glanced to his wrist where Racer was still prominently written in the all too familiar handwriting.

"Yes, we're still soulmates and to all those other questions I don't know."

"Jacky isn't there, right?"

"No, he's workin' I think."

"Good, I'll be there in thirty minutes."

"Okay, uh, thanks."

"Of course."
"Okay, so I stopped by the library, got every book they had on soulmate, I also brought my textbooks and borrowed both Sarah and Les' textbooks," The boy dropped the two bookbags onto the floor before opening one, "if there's nothing in Les' or mine then there should be something in the library books, if not there, should be in Sarah's college ones."

"I've never heard you say so much in so little time,"

"This is serious."

"I know-"

"No, Jack isn't fond of you so if he finds out you have another soulmate before either of us can explain something to him then he's going to murder you."

"Right... uh, let's get started?"

Davey nodded, tossing the other a book, "let's get started."

For the next couple of hours, Spot and Davey flipped through book after book for any information on developing a second soulmate.

They found plenty on having two soulmates from the beginning (receiving both soulmate connections when they turn sixteen), and even found information on a soulmate bond revolving around losing control of your own body for a day but gaining control of your soulmate's, this bit of information was thanks to one of the college-level textbooks from Sarah.

After another hour, Spot threw his last book onto the floor with a harsh thud. He had lost every semblance of hope his body had once carried.

"Don't dest- wait!" Davey jumped up from his spot at Racer's desk and practically dived onto the bed beside the other boy. Once again, Sarah's textbook had proven useful.

"Look, here, read." The taller boy shoved the book into Spot's hands and frantically pointed to the single paragraph labelled Strange Phenomenon: Developing a Second Connection.

The paragraph, in short, stated that developing a second connection can happen if you spent a considerable amount of time with a new person. Which, in Spot's case didn't narrow down any potential suspects. He had a whole friend group he had been spending a decent amount of time with ever since meeting Race.

"So, there's no way in knowing who it is unless I run around touching every guy we're friends with?"

"First off, word things better. Second, you could very easily make a group chat asking if anyone else lost their ability to see colour."

"I worded that perf-"

"I'm tellin' you, Spot is going through the same thing."

"Did he tell you?"

A snicker came from the hall, followed by "too afraid to hurt me."

The door to Race's bedroom came open and Spot slammed closed the book in his hands.

Race stepped into the room, dragging Albert behind him before shoving the boy across the room, almost causing him to trip over multiple books that had been abandoned on the floor.

"C'mon, you two, touch so we can get food. 'M starving." The boy's eyes flickered toward Davey before he gave him a small wave.

"I'm not touchin' him," Spot muttered, practically shrieking when a hand came into contact with his wrist.

"I said-" Spot stopped speaking when he noticed the purple colour adorning Racer's top half, "you do look good in that colour."

Race gave him a look before motioning toward Albert.

Spot turned his gaze to the other boy, realization finally hitting him, "I didn't sign up for this."

"Oh, come on, you fucker." Race muttered, moving to pull both of them together, "do you really think this happened just to make you suffer? Don't you think the universe is sayin' something by doing this?"

"Am I going crazy or did Race just say that?"

"I think Race likes soulmates now," Albert snickered, absentmindedly placing his hand on Spot's waist while pulling Racer close to him.

"You're one to talk," Race said as he nudged Albert off of him, "can we go get pizza now, seeing as we all like each other for once?"

Spot only nodded, allowing the two other boys to lead him from the bedroom.

a/n: davey is just left alone to clean up the books before going to jack's room and falling asleep😌

and this wasn't the best (i mean, how can i compete to the first part that was 5k+ words?), but i guess it was decent,,

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