Canvas || Javey

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Jack stifled a laugh as he finished the small painting on his sleeping boyfriend's hand.

With a smile, the brunette put the paintbrush on his nightstand, not really caring at this point about anything getting dirty.

The boy looked down to the hand of his lover and he broke out into a grin, he didn't know why it was making him so giddy but it was.

Maybe it's because it was adorable how heavy of a sleeper Davey was.

Or maybe it's because the sunny scene on the male's hand was Jack's way of saying 'this boy is made of sunshine'

He didn't know, all he knew was that David Jacobs had his whole heart.

Davey woke up with a yawn and stretched as he sat up - many bones in his body cracking in the process.

He yawned once again, looking at around the room to see if Jack was at his desk drawing or sleeping in the floor with a sketchbook again but he wasn't. He wasn't in the room at all.

The boy slipped off the bed and made his way out the room, the smell of french toast filling and arguing boys filling his senses.

Davey found his way to the kitchen where there were three full plates of food, an empty plate, and two brothers arguing.

"Race you're hoggin' all the strawberries!"

"Well, you'se is hoggin' all the syrup!" Race huffed as he shoved the final bit of strawberry into his mouth.

Jack gasped and picked up the maple syrup as quickly as possible, opening it. He then started to lift it to his mouth but paused.

Did he want to stoop down to his brother's level? No. Was he? Absolutely.

And with that he put the almost empty maple syrup bottle to his lips and finished it off, earning a groan from Race and a gag from Davey.

"That's disgusting."

Jack looked over "I didn't know you were in here!"

"Would you have not done if you did?"

"Yes." He nodded before his eyes flickered towards Davey's hand - a smile now finding its way onto his face.

"What are you... really?!"

"I couldn't help it! You were so peaceful and I knew it wouldn't wake you."

"Peaceful, sleeping boyfriend equals paint on him?"

"Peaceful, sleeping boyfriend equals he becomes my canvas."

"And I'm out!" Race spoke up, sitting his half-empty plate on the counter before sprinting out of the kitchen.

Davey chuckled softly at Racer before looking to his boyfriend as he asked "canvas?"

"Yeah, canvas." Jack grinned, holding his hand out to the boy.

The boy smiled, taking his hand.

The brunette's grin turned into a soft smile as he pulled the boy close, lacing their fingers together with his one hand and using the other to gingerly place it on his hip.

Davey responded by placing his free hand on Jack's shoulder.

Soon enough the two were just dancing around the kitchen, no care in the world.

Jack looked to his boyfriend and smiled faintly, asking "can I paint on you some more?"

The other boy sighed, rolling his eyes before nodding "of course."
Jack sat on Davey's thighs as he softly painted a Bob Ross-esque scene on his back.

Davey laid there, eyes closed and music softly playing into earphones as an attempt to distract himself from the cold paint.

Jack smiled softly as he finished the last stroke of the brush before laying it on the bedside table.

He carefully got off of the boy and tapped his shoulder before signing 'its finished, just don't move.'

Davey nodded, closing his eyes once again with the faintest smile upon his face.

Jack smiled down to the boy and let off a content sigh before making his way down the stairs, stopping in front of the lounge where Katherine, Race, Buttons, Mouse and Spot were.

Spot was laying on the floor, earbuds in his ears as he slept while the others were having the quietest Mario Kart match known to man.

The only sounds coming from the lounge were the faint snores from his brother's boyfriend and the sounds from the television.

The brunette boy stepped into the room, looking amongst the group of friends, "what-"

He was promptly cut off by shushes from everyone but Mouse, who kept her eyes focusing on the screen - a glare and huff coming from her when Racer paused the game.

The blonde looked over to his brother, signing 'Spot hasn't slept in a couple of days, don't wake him.'

'That's why it's so quiet in here?'

'It's excruciatingly painful to be this quiet playing this game.'

Jack snorted out a quiet laugh before nodding, stepping back out of the lounge and finishing his way towards the kitchen.

He opened the pantry and eyed every corner of it before reaching to the top shelf, grabbing a sleeve of cookies.

He got two glasses of milk before retreating back to his room where Davey was softly singing along to a song.

"Send me away with the words of a love song.."

Jack then started to laugh, dropping the sleeve of cookies and almost dropping the glasses of milk.

Davey's eyes quickly opened and he looked over towards the boy, then ripping the earbuds out of his ear "how long were you there?"

"Long enough to know you stole my phone to listen to music."

"In my defence, you were singing it earlier and made me want to listen to it.."

Jack blushed as he sat the glasses on his desk "you heard?"

"You're not as quiet as you think you are, Jacky."

The brunette huffed before holding his hand out "come here, I want to check your back - make sure you didn't mess it up when you got my phone."

Davey took his hand and Jack spun him around to see his back.

The boy smiled "perfect.."

"I know you are."

"Oh, shut up." Jack muttered as he spun him around to see his face before a smile found its way into his face "you're beautiful... you know that?"

"You're one to talk, Kelly."

"Since when did you call people by their last names, Jacobs?"

"Never, I actually really hated it." He rubbed the back of his neck.

Jack snickered and pulled him close by his waist, allowing the other boy to wrap his arms around his neck.



"Can I take a shower?"



"Oh, right! Let me take a picture first."





"Well, I guess Race was tired of being quiet." Jack sighed and buried his face into Davey's chest, earning a chuckle.

"Jack, I really want to get this paint off me."

"Right, turn around."

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