Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Amelia found her group of friends sitting around the fireplace as she entered the Slytherin common room. The boys were laughing about something and turned around when they heard her enter the room.

"Hey, where have you been?" One of the boys asked. Amelia sank down on the one chair next to Blaise that was still free.

She took off her scarf and made herself comfortable. "I just talked to Hermione, what have you guys been up to?"

"We were actually just talking about your brother. There were some rumours he tried to ask a girl out. And obviously he got rejected." Tom laughed out loud and was shaking his head. "Such an idiot-"

"Hey! He's still my brother."

Toms mood started to gloom and he stopped laughing "I still don't get how you can be related to that clumsy oaf. There's no way this bumpkin is a pureblood. Why do you even care about him? And what's with you and that slut Granger?! These people really are below our dignity."

Amelia's face turned into pure anger while the others were completely quiet. She was sick of this discussion over Hogwarts-Houses and blood-status. And she was also sick of Tom thinking he's the whole pride of Slyt

herin. He truly was a good friend of hers and they've always been coming along well, but as soon as this topic comes up they just can't reach an agreement. She noticed that Blaise mood had darkened too and he clenched his left hand to a fist like he was trying to control himself.

"Well I'd still fuck Granger, I mean she's hot as fuck you can't argue with that." Theos poor attempt to lighten the atmosphere made Blaise look even more disgusted and Tom shake his head turning away from Theodore.

Amelia wasn't in the mood for a discussion and realized that Draco had been quiet for a while now. "Draco do you have a minute?" he looked up surprised but gave her a small nod and put down his drink to follow her to the dorm.


"Sorry, I should have said something. Tom sometimes crosses the line..." he sat down on his bad and placed his elbows on his knees.

"It's okay Draco I don't need you to protect me. I wanted to talk about something else."

She was still standing in the middle of the dorm not knowing whether to sit down next to him or keep standing. "You wanted to know why I've been late for classes lately and I'm going to tell you. You just need to promise me that you won't freak out."

He just looked at her patiently, so she continued.

"I've been working on a potion. It's called Incerta Intentia and helps the drinker focus on what he or she really wants to accomplish. I'm planning on using It during the finals." Draco looked relieved and gave her a smile mixed with a frown.

"Sounds great. I'm happy for you. Why make a secret of it?"

"I haven't been doing it alone. I worked on it witch Cedric." His smile instantly fade and his eyes darkened. He slightly moved his head to his right and clenched his jaw.

"And why the fuck would you do that?"

"Draco trust me. He was just trying to help."

"I bet he did. He always does. But the problem with that motherfucker is that he expects something in return. And you know that damn well."

"I'm not here to discuss Cedric with you. I'm here to ask you to be part of this. Hermione and I are going to test the potion tonight. I want you to go with me." He set his head on his folded hands and thought about her offer. Oh what was he even thinking about- he'd take any opportunity to spend time with her.

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