Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It was already 7 pm when Amelia came back to the Slytherin common room. Her friends usually sitting around the fireplace were nowhere to be found or heard.

She walked up the stairs to her dorm-room thinking about Nevilles words. Was she being resentful with Cedric? That thought had hunted her for quite some time now.

She opened the door to the girls' dorm and she immediately closed it again with her hand flying to her mouth as soon as she saw-

Hermione was wearing one of her Slytherin robes while Blaise was burying his head between her legs with his hands all over her body.

"SHIT, Amy!" Hermione was immediately covering her bare chest with her face turning red.

"Why tf aren't you with Neville?!" Amelia still didn't dare to open the door once more and wasn't quite sure how to react.

Meanwhile Blaise was hectically getting his shirt back on regretting his decision to not have used the boys dorm. A couple of minutes later they both opened the door being more or less properly dressed, with an apologetic and abashed look on their faces.

Blaise just simply left the room as he was to embarrassed to talk to Amelia after this.

"I'm so sorry you had to see this. And I'm sorry about your robe in case you saw that." Her face was still red and her hair was all over the place.

"It's fine, let's just say I didn't expect it. But I'm not gonna lie you two look cute together. Is this becoming a regular thing?"

Hermione was thankful her friend reacted so calm and directly started to babble over the things she did with Blaise. She was so released she wouldn't have to keep it a secret anymore.

Amelia couldn't stop the smirk from her face after hearing that they had even done it in Toms bed followed by a dozen of other locations they've been doing it. They both kept giggling for some time before they left the dorm for dinner.


After Amelia had accompanied Hermione to her common room she made herself comfortable in the big wing chair next to the coloured window of her own common room.

She paged through the newest issue of "magical plants for killing and curing" when suddenly Theodore entered the common room:

"Hey! I haven't seen you all day. What you got there?" he took off his robe and placed a stool next to her wing chair before sinking on it.

She raised her magazine and indicated the title with her finger "That can wait, what's new?"

"I'm surprised you don't know yet, wasn't that fight about you?!"

"What fight?!"

"Cedric and Draco had an Argument in the Great Hall, I don't know what they were talking about but it escalated and Draco pulled his wand. It got pretty heated but Harry and Ron got between them. You tell me, what's going on between them?"

She was shocked. Why tf would Draco risk getting expelled for attacking another student. She had no clue what they've been arguing about.

"Seriously Amy, get your boys under control. Can't you see Draco has a crush on you? He's obviously jealous of your thing with Cedric. And don't let me get started on him, no boy would ever brew potions outside of a classroom without ulterior motives."

"Theo, I-"

"I'm just saying. Draco is my best friend and I recognize a crush when I see one. He's falling for you, Amelia. I mean it."

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