Chapter 1

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A.N.: This was the first fanfiction I ever wrote (pls keep that in mind). I swear that my new one is a lot better and so much less cringe 😭 I'd definitely recommend reading that one instead. (Check TWs before you start though)

Chapter 1

She was late for potions. Again.

The corridor was empty, and her steps echoed as she was running towards the classroom. A hectic look on her watch let her know that she was already 5 minutes late.

Fuck. Her puls was rasing as she ran around the corner.

Luckily, she could already see the door of the classroom in the dungeons. Before opening the door, she quickly ran through her hair and tried to calm her breathing. 

"Ahh late for class again I see." All her classmates turned around and stared at her. "Is my class that boring miss Longbottom or do you just simply not care?"

"I'm sorry professor, I lost track of time. It won't happen again."

Professor Snape gave her a disappointed look. "I was just about to ask Mr Potter what you get if you mix snake powder with nettle and thorn apple. Perhaps you know the answer?"

"These are the ingredients for Interiomorta a very strong cell toxic Sir, it kills the drinking in less than 30 seconds and was very common during the dark times."

"And what would be the Antidote to this particular poison Miss Longbottom?"

"There is none, Sir. The only way to escape Interiomorta is by murdering the person who gave you the poison before you die of the consequences of the potion. You only have seconds. It's nearly impossible."

The whole class was quiet until Snape broke the silence: "That's actually correct Miss Longbottom. 10 points for Slytherin." Amelia made her way to her group-table and sank down on the chair next to Theo.

"It's true what they say. You really are a know-it-all" he whispered into her direction and had a big smirk on his face. She rolled her eyes jokingly as she quietly took her book out and focused back on Snape.


Snape ended the class with an 80 cm long essay about poisons during the dark times which made the whole class groan and left the Professor with a feeling of satisfaction. Chairs moved and the background noise of students talking intensified.

She and her friends left the potions room and made their way to the great hall as potions was the last class before lunch. As soon as they reached the first staircase Draco grabbed her wrist and took her to the side.

"Where the fuck have you been?" He seemed angry.

"Nowhere, I just lost track of time. Calm down, Draco."

His hand was still squeezing her wrist with pressure. "Don't fucking lie to me Amelia. Where have you been?"

"I was just taking care of something. No need to be worried."

"I swear to god if you don't tell me what you've been up to, I will tell Neville."

He looked in her eyes deeply and tried to figure out whether she was lying or not. But her eyes wouldn't tell him. They were so dark that he couldn't even tell if she was feeling anything.

"Please don't tell Neville he has enough to worry about. And it's not what you're thinking. Please believe me."

He was getting impatient. He already guessed that she was with him and knowing that she didn't want him to know hurt him even more.

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