Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

It was a sunny autumn day so most of the students were outside, enjoying the weather. 

Amelia was just on her way to the Great Hall when she realized that she still had a book to return and she wasn't in the mood to pay for a delayed return.

She quickly made her way back to the empty common room and entered the dorm when she saw that there was already someone in her dorm. 

It was Tom, sitting on her bed.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" they hadn't spoken in days and Amelia honestly didn't know how he would reply or what he wanted from her in the first place.

"I think we need to talk. We're good friends Amy, I don't want this thing between you and Draco to come between us." 

She was a bit surprised but the happiness she felt was being predominant. She was so relieved Tom had finally made the decision to talk to her. She sank down on the bed next to him and smiled. 

"I'm glad you feel that way." 

Tom started chuckling. As soon as she felt his hand on her knee, she saw what was going on. His pupils were exploding and the veins on the back of his hand were pulsating.

"What did you do?" she couldn't believe what she was seeing, but as soon as she saw the empty bottle in his other hand she realized.

"Thought I'd try your little concentration aid. Draco told me it was in your drawer. But then I didn't feel like going to the library anymore. I rather felt like waiting here for you. Get a taste of what Cedric got." 

Her throat got dry. She didn't want this. She never regret making that potion more than in this very moment. 

"Tom, you need to listen to me. I did not have sex with Cedric. I didn't even touch him. He made it up, I swear. You're not thinking clearly, the serum is making you do this. You need to stop." 

She tried to move his hands from her knee, but his grip intensified.

"Well, I'm not going to stop. Trust me." 

His hand moved upwards and under her skirt while he watched her closely. He wanted to see how she would react when his fingers touched her. 

He moved on until his fingertips reached her underwear. He carefully moved them to the side while he started rubbing her with his fingers. His widened eyes still on her. 

"This is what you want isn't it? I can see you're enjoying this, Amelia." 

He started smirking and pushed two of his fingers inside of her. Moving them in a controlled motion. 

With his other hand he touched her face and started rubbing her lower lip with his thump, so that her mouth slightly opened. 

"I need you to moan for me. Show me that this is what you want." 

She saw in his eyes that he wasn't joking. Too scared to upset him she started making quiet noises. 

"Good girl. Now show me how much you want me." 

He moved his left hand from her lips to her throat and stood up to position himself in front of her. 

"Beg me to fuck you." 

The grip around her throat intensified and he slightly pushed her upper body down on her bed. His right hand was still massaging her insides. She kept moaning while he improved the speed.

"I said, beg me to fuck you." His face now looked rather aggressive. 

"Fuck me, Tom. Do it." 

He smirked and pulled his fingers out of her. Both his hands made their way to her upper body and opened her blouse. 

Her breasts were almost fully exposed as he started massaging them. He leaned his body on top of her so that she could feel his hard dick between her legs. 

He spread her legs apart and opened his pants. He leaned on top of her again and then she felt it. He pushed himself inside of her. Hard. She automatically draw her legs together but he kept spreading them. 

He pulled himself out a bit before pushing in again deeply, harder than before. A short scream escaped her lips and he bend in more to put one of his fingers on her lips. 

"Be quiet." He moved his dick in and out of her groaning while still spreading her legs widely. 

It hurt. It hurt so much but she didn't dare to make a sound. His dick was hard and thick and stretched her inner body. He moved faster and made sounds like he was close. 

And there it was. A short second where she actually felt pleasure. It still hurt, but it felt good. Seeing that she made him groan like that. 

She kept moaning while he kept getting closer. He pulled her body so close to his that she could feel his full length. He put his hand to her throat again, squeezing it making satisfied noises. 

His hips still moving she felt him fill her with his warm sperm while his mouth opened and let out a loud moan.

And that was the exact moment someone entered the room. She couldn't see who it was but the look on Toms face made her realize who it only could be.

He froze for a second with his hand still on the doorknob before he stormed into the room and threw himself onto Tom, who was taking a step back. 

It was Draco. She was still lying on her bed in shock, her body shaking.

All she could see was Dracos back and his hand lunging out before hitting Tom in his face with no resistance. 

Blood splashed in the direction Draco had hit him and Tom fell to the ground. Without paying attention to her he got on top of him and punched his face repetitive until she realized how agonized Toms sobs and moans started to sound. 

His face was covered in blood and he couldn't move anymore.

"Stop it, you're killing him!"

Still not minding her he kept beating him up until the boy under him passed out. He was laying there without any sign of life. 

And even than Draco kept punching him with his fist aggressively. The ring he was wearing on his right hand was already dripping with blood while he kept going. It was like he let out all the pain inside of him. Like he couldn't control himself.

"Draco you have to stop! He's going to die!"

He paused for a moment and stretched his right hand before slowly getting up and turning around to her. His black shirt and parts of his face were splattered with blood. His features were sharper than ever, and his eyes were filled with rage.

"Don't you dare speak to me you fucking cunt."

Never in her life had she seen Draco that vicious. His mouth was only opened a small bit and his jaw was clenched. 

He looked her straight in the eyes when he said "I loved you. You know I did. And all you do is fuck around Hogwarts like a slut."


"You just fucked my best friend. Don't ever put my name into your filthy mouth again or I swear to god I'll punch you like I punched him." 

He kept staring at her for a moment longer with absolute disgust in his eyes before storming out of the room. 

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