Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

They walked through the empty corridors of the castle closely beside each other. His right arm was wrapped around her, with his hand placed just one inch above her bottom. She never felt this safe and wanted at the same time.

She wished she could spend every night of her life with him as he petted her gently. She leaned her head against his strong shoulder while they kept walking.

He quietly said the password since they had reached the door of their common room. He let her enter the room before him and she already saw that the room wasn't empty.

Draco was sitting in the big armchair in front of the fireplace and turned his head towards them as he heard them enter the room.

As soon as he saw who it was, he quickly moved his head back to where it was before and kept staring into the fire.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" Toms mood had changed in a second.

Draco didn't answer and kept staring straight ahead. Tom approached his chair with slow steps and placed one of his hands on the back of the chair.

"I just fucked her." He paused. "twice."

Draco breathed in sharply with his nails digged into the armrests of the chair. He still didn't respond, and his facial expression was blank.

Tom leaned in so that his mouth was only inches away from Dracos ear "My cum is still inside of her." A wide smirk spread all over his lips.

Dracos grip visibly intensified and his knuckles were turning white. In order to not lose his temper, he kept his eyes fixed on the fire in front of him without moving his head.

"If you ever get your hands on my face again, I'll fuck her until she's pregnant." The smirk on his face disappeared and he clenched his teeth, his eyes filled with hate.

He moved away from the chair and put his arm back around her waist, walking her to the dorms with his hand now squeezing her arse firmly for Draco to see it.


"What the fuck was that?" she pushed his hand away as soon as they entered her dorm.

"He needs to be put in his place." The smirk on his face had reappeared.

"I'm sorry if that upset you." He put his arms around her again looking down at her. "Wanna continue what we did earlier?" his hands moved to her butt again.

His hands touching her didn't feel as safe as it did before, and she didn't like the way he talked about her.

"No, Tom. Why did you say that?"

Tom was getting impatient. "Well, fucking you is nice, but fucking you knowing that it drives him insane is even nicer."

"Are you serious right now?!" She couldn't believe what he just said.

"Oh come on, don't pretend like you didn't know that."

"Get your hands off of me, right fucking now."


She looked around the Great Hall but couldn't spot her friends anywhere. Since she had finished eating anyways, she set off to the transfiguration classroom.

She still wondered where everyone was, until she reached the corridor of the classroom and saw her friends gathered in a circle. Neville had pinned Tom to the wall, his wand placed right under his chin lifting it up with an aggressive look on his face.

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