Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Days had been passing and finals came closer. Draco still skipped potions and Snape was still mad.

When she entered the common room, she saw that someone was already sitting at the large table near to the window. Tom turned around and immediately got up when she saw her "I'm sorry, you can study here. I'll leave." He hectically threw his books into his backpack and cleared the table.

"It's okay. You don't have to leave." She really appreciated his caginess, but after all these days it wasn't that hard for her to be in the same room as him anymore.

"Oh- Okay. Let me know if you change your mind." He slowly sank back on his chair.

She sat down in front of the window and got her books out. The fireplace gave enough light for her to read the pages. After a couple of hours of studying she couldn't help but notice that Toms nose was bleeding and blood was dripping on his parchment.

She looked up and realized that he was hectically looking for a tissue in his backpack, so she handed him one over.

"Thanks. I'm sorry you had to see that. That happens sometimes."

"It's ok." She watched him and his scars. His face still looked painful although it had been weeks.

"I'm sorry I didn't stop him."

"You mean Draco?" he chuckled. "That's okay. I deserved that."

"No. I should've done something. You didn't know what you were doing." Her voice broke. "He almost killed you."

Tom lowered his view and pressed the tissue against his nose. "I don't know."

"I don't know, honestly. I think a part of me wanted it. A part of me wanted you." He looked back up in her eyes. "A part deep inside of me wanted you. And I can't explain how deeply sorry I am for that." His eyes were filled with water and reflected the burning fire in the common room.

"Don't be. I didn't consent. But I would lie if I told you I didn't feel any pleasure." She looked him in the eyes. For too long. Because it made her do what she did next.

She stood up and sat down on the chair next to his. Placing her hand right next to his. "A part of me liked what you were doing." She whispered with her eyes fixed on his hand. His hand made the slightest move so that both their pinkie fingers were touching each other.

"A part of me always liked you. And always will." Was all he said.

She leaned her body slightly towards his and kissed him slowly.

"Touch me." She whispered with her lips still glued to his. She felt awful these last few weeks and this had been the first time she felt happy again. She tried to intensify their kiss, but that made him pull his head back and open his eyes.

"I can't."

"But I want you to." She put her hand on top of his and slightly smiled at him.

"I won't touch you. Not after what happened the last time. You don't want this." His mood dimmed and he drew his hand back.

"Tom, I want you to. I need you to." Her voice began to shake, and her features frowned.
"Last time was different. I want-" without letting her finish he got up and gave her a kiss on her forehead before leaving the room.



She couldn't sleep that night. Her thoughts circled from Toms behaviour to Dracos insults and back to Toms appearance.

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