Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

This was the sixth time she took a shower this week. She still felt his touch all over her body and it was like she couldn't wash off the traces he left.

She ran her fingers through her hair while tears kept running down her cheeks. She adjusted the shower to increase the temperature. The hot water ran down her body, burning every inch of her skin, and still she couldn't get rid of his scent.

She stopped the water and looked down her body. It didn't feel like hers anymore. She stepped out of the shower and rapped a large towel around her body. After drying her body, she got dressed and made her way back to the common room.

She grabbed her favourite novel and sat down on the big armchair in front of the fireplace, snuggling up in the familiar cozy backrest.

She got lost in her thoughts until a voice let her back into the reality.

"Hey love, I've been looking for you everywhere. Have you been avoiding me?" Draco chuckled, slight dimples building on his cheeks.

"Of course not. I just showered." She was nervous.

"Mind if I sit?" he pointed his arm to the chair next to her. She shook her head smiling up to him and he took a seat.

"Listen, about the other day. In potions class..." he stammered nervously. 

"Uhm... If you didn't enjoy what I was doing... you can tell me." He smiled, looking away shyly. "I don't know if it was the fact that it was during class, or maybe you just didn't like the way I was doing it, or-"

"No! Draco-" she looked at him worried about where his mind had let him.

"I liked what you were doing. I liked it a lot and I also liked what you were saying." She looked in his eyes with care and saw the relief in his facial expression.

"I'm so glad to hear that. I thought I did something wrong- I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything..."

"You didn't! I enjoyed what you did. A lot." She smiled and her heart once again warmed as she got lost in his beautiful grey eyes.

"If you want to, I can do that again. Seeing you ease was beautiful." He smiled back at her reaching for her leg, but as soon as his fingers touched her thighs she flinched. She draw her leg away instantly and her eyes widened at the remembrance of his touch.

"Amy, are you okay?" He frowned and a concerned look spread all over his face.

She swallowed, trying to control her breathing. "Yes, sure. Sorry." Her voice was shaky and quiet. She slowly moved her leg back to where it was before, trying to prevent it from trembling. Trying to calm herself down.

He still looked a bit concerned but he moved his hand to her leg again, letting it rest on her thigh. His body got closer to hers and he leaned in for a kiss. She didn't bring herself closer to him one inch, freezing in her position.

She felt his lips on hers and he gently kissed her. The touch of his lips tied up her throat and water filled her eyes. His hands were softly brushing over her thighs and it made her insides ache.

He kept kissing her gently and his lips moved from her mouth to her jaw and from there to her neck. It felt like something stabbed her insides every time his lips touched her soft skin.

He was moving her hair to the side when he finally saw it. His mouth slightly opened and he instantly shrinked back, letting go of her hair. The dark red and purple stains were all over her neck and throat.

He hadn't noticed before that her eyes were filled with water and now that he observed her closely, her posture clearly looked painful to him.

"Who did this to you?"

She placed her hair back to where it was before, trying to cover her neck. Keeping her head lowered, she clearly tried to avoid his gaze.

"Amelia, who did this?!" She flinched by the loudness of his sharp voice. Tears started running down her cheeks.

"Draco, I promise- I didn't want him to do it." Her voice was shaky and the tears on her face kept running.

"Who touched you?" he lowered his voice, craving an answer.

Still sobbing and crying she looked back into his cold grey eyes. She barely audible whispered, her eyes still on his.



Without saying anything, he got up. He paused and watched her for a short moment, looking straight into her hurt eyes. The rage inside of him built up and he stormed out of the room.

She knew where he would go, and she wanted to follow him, but she wasn't ready to see him again. Her throat was still constricted, and she couldn't stop crying.

Draco was already on his way to the Great Hall, approaching it with fast and angry steps. The blood was pumping through his veins with immense pressure and his hands were shaped into fists.

He saw him as soon as he entered the Great Hall. Cedric was leaning against a wall, surrounded by other Hufflepuffs. He was facing Draco with his back.

Draco kept marching in his direction. He made a glass shatter against the wall, just an inch above Cedrics head with a quick swing of his wand. Cedric knew it was him, but he didn't even bother turning around.

"Diggory!" Draco screamed approaching him with fast and angry steps.

"Look at me, you coward!" His voice filled the entire hall and people started turning around to see what was going on.

Cedric slowly turned around with a big smirk on his face.

"What's the matter Malfoy? Did she moan my name when you fucked her?"

Draco was furious. He swang his wand once more, shoving Cedrics friends to the side aggressively. 

Cedric started laughing, opening his arms challenging.

"She basically begged me to fuck her. I can still hear the sound of her moans in my ears."


Cedric sank down to the floor. Blood was pouring out of several wounds of his body. The smirk on his face had disappeared.

One of Cedrics friends immediately wanted to help him but Draco pointed his wand at him.

"Stay the fuck back!" His voice was violent, and he kept his wand pointed at him. His hands trembling with rage.

"You're a dead man Diggory." He slowly moved his wand back into Cedrics direction and was just about to say the two words, when he got disarmed by Snape.

"Out of the way, Malfoy!" Snape approached Diggory with fast steps, followed by Dumbledore and other Slytherin students. He got down next to Cedric and leaned himself over his body.

He moved his hand over his gaping wounds saying "vulnera sanentur" repeatedly.

Draco wanted to end what he started and kept running into his direction, but Theo and Blaise were faster. They held him back with both arms.

"Let go of me!" he was screaming, and his eyes were filled with tears and anger. Fighting back with all the strength he had.

"He raped her! He fucking raped her!" his voice broke and tears kept running down his cheeks while he sank down. Theo and Blaise let go of him as soon as they realized what happened. They both put their arms around him, letting him know that they understood his pain.

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