Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Snape was right. She couldn't let any of this affect her grades. It was time to conclude the idea of Draco Malfoy and see him for who he was. A bully. No one had ever made her feel as bad about herself as he.

She knew Snape had a point so she made her way straight to the library in order to study for potions. If she wanted to remain top of the class she had to work for it.

She sat down at an empty table and got her books out of her back when she saw him. Tom entered the room with a book in his hand and his face covered with bruises. Fuck. Her thorax constricted and she had trouble breathing. She wasn't ready to see him, it felt like the room was getting smaller within every second.

She left her things laying on the table and left the library in a rush for some air. Her knees were shaking as the cold air met hair face. Was this how she'd feel every time she saw him from now on? It couldn't be. A few weeks ago, Draco and Tom both had been her friends and now she feared them both limitless.

The only way to overcome her fear would be to confront her trauma and take control of her situation. With a bit more confidence but still shaky knees she made her way back to the library.

As she sank down on her chair, she realized that Tom was no longer in the library. She decided to refocus on her schoolwork and turned the page of her book around when she saw a folded piece of parchment behind that page.


Dear Amelia,

I can't put into words how deeply sorry I am. I can't even imagine what you're going through right now, but I figured the least thing you want would be to see me or speak to me.

There is no excuse for what I did. I am ashamed of myself. I just want you to know that I didn't know what I was doing. I don't even remember most of it. All I know is that you didn't want any of that and I am so so sorry for that.

If there is anything I can do, let me know.



-A couple of weeks later-

"You'll be splitting into groups of 2 again. Same partners as last time." Dracos chair was empty. Draco had been skipping potions class ever since he and Amelia had to partner up and Snape was beyond mad. He took 50 points from Slytherin for every class Draco missed, but that didn't seem to change his mind.

Amelia was glad she could work alone and opened her potions book. "As your partner is to ignorant to show up, you'll work with Riddle, Miss Longbottom."

"Sir I really don't think that's a good idea. Can I please work alone?" this was the first time she heard his voice since that day.

"What is it with you boys that you think this is a request? Sit. Down." Again, his hand pointed to the empty chair next to Amelia.

Tom cleared his throat and made his way to her table. He slowly took the chair that was standing next to her and moved it about a meter away from her. He opened his book and started reading the instructions. He kept his view in front of him and started sorting the vials and cans next to him so that she could use them.

She observed him out of the corner of her eye. His face still had bruises and his nose and cheekbones were dark purple. His posture seemed restrained. He was holding the page with one hand while he went through his dark brown curls with the other. He looked almost shy.

She cleared her throat and began using the vials he had sorted. Her eyes fixed on her caldron she touched the can she needed next without realizing that Tom was just about to put the last vial next to the can. Their hands touched each other for a short moment and she immediately dropped the can with a loud clatter.

Tom immediately pulled his hand back, but Snape was already behind the two "What's the fuss about? Did the instruction say to drop something Miss Longbottom?"

She was just about to apologize, but Tom was faster "I'm sorry Professor. I dropped it by accident. It won't happen again." Snape raised his eyebrows and turned around.

She wanted to say something, but Tom had already moved his chair further away from her and kept his head down focussing on his book.

This was when she realized that he really was sorry.

"It's okay you know. You don't have to look away." She knew that he did that in order to not make her uncomfortable and she prized that.

He moved his head in hear direction and gave her a short smile before distancing himself from her once again.

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