Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The staring and whispering settled, and people started smiling at her again when they saw her.

It was all getting better, but her friend group was still split into two.

But that meant that Amelia had a lot more time to spend on her homework and books. This was the third night in a row she was sitting in the Slytherin common room all by herself while the others were asleep.

She had also taken Incerta Intentia for the third night in a row. It helped her focus instead of being dragged down that same spirale of thoughts.

She couldn't sleep since every time she closed her eyes she saw Draco laughing at her. Hurting her. Making her feel worse than ever. She was grateful the serum kept her thoughts on school and made her forget about how exhausted and tired she was.

She just finished summarizing last weeks Defends Against The Dark Arts classes when she heard someone enter the common room.

Her back was facing the door so she had to turn around in order to see who it was.

It was Draco. But he wasn't alone. He was with Cho.

For a short moment his and Amelias eyes met. Her heart was banging in her chest and she was scared he'd say something as they hadn't been speaking for days. But he didn't say anything.

He just broke eye contact and followed Cho to the dorms while she took Draco's hand and couldn't stop giggling.

Amelias thoughts were spinning and she just could imagine what the two students were about to do. Her heart was contracting with pain and her legs were shaking.

Even though Draco had said terrible things to her and hurt her deeply by not believing her she was still loving him. The pure thought of him being witch Cho made her dizzy.

The pain in her chest increased while she couldn't stop her brain from going through scenarios that could occur next door in this very moment.

She loved him with her whole heart and he hurt her in the worst way possible.


A firm grip on her shoulder teared her from sleep.

"Amelia! You need to see this. Come with me."

She couldn't really think clearly as she just woke up but Hermiones face looked concerned, so she knew it was important.

She quickly dressed herself and followed Hermione out of the common room. She was walking very fast and made sharp turns.

And then she saw it. Draco and Cedric standing 2 meters apart from each other with their wands at ready. A crowd hat formed in the inner courtyard, but the 2 boys didn't seem to notice.


Cedric tried to disarm his opponent, but he fended it off with ease.

"Not so loud-mouthed anymore now that I got your girl, huh?" Cedric looked more than angry and he made a couple of steps towards Draco swinging his wand like he was about to attack him.

"I swear to god if you're seeing her one more time I will rip your head off, Malfoy."

Draco smirked and pushed up his sleeves in order to get ready for a fight.

"Well she didn't scream your name last night while you were deep inside her, did she?"

Cedric tossed his wand away and approached Draco with fast steps. "You take that back!"

"No, I won't. You fucked my girl and I fucked yours, what's the problem?" he dropped his wand and opened his arms with a pugnaciously chin-lift.

Cedric was now almost in front of Draco and with a fast move he packed his robe and punched him in the face with a clenched fist.

Draco fell and his heat hit the cold cobbles. His head was spinning and he saw a blurry version of his enemy coming closer to his face. His voice was drawn out and fuzzy but he still heard what he said.

"I didn't fuck your girl Malfoy, that slut of yours is not even worth a hand job. But you just fucked mine and you're going to pay for that."

"Draco's out of control, what kind of sucky move was that?!"

Theodore still couldn't believe what Hermione and Amelia just told him.

"I mean thinking that you and Cedric had a thing is one thing, but sleeping with Cho as revenge? Isn't that a bit excessive?"

Blaise didn't seem to be very impressed either "He knew Ced cheated on you with her, he really went too far. I hope you're ok Amy..."

They were all sitting in the Gryffindor common room with a hot chocolate in order to process the news they just heard.

"I'm okay. I just don't get why he did it."

"I told you a thousand times. He has a crush on you. A big one. I think that's his way of dealing with it."

"You're right man. These last days Draco has been saying really nasty things about you, but I don't think he meant it. And you should've seen him the moment he found out. There is no way that man isn't in love with you."

This was the first time Blaise had talked about what has been going on these last few days, but he thought she should know. Even though it was kind of too late now.

"I ship you with Draco, you know I do. But I honestly don't think his behaviour can be excused. He should've believed you when you said that you didn't have sex with Cedric. And even if he thought you had. What he did with Cho is unforgivable. You deserve better Amy."

Hermiones face still looked worried, and she really wanted the best for her friend. She wanted for her what she had with Blaise.

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