C.21 Fifth Year

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One Year Later

"You can't tell him Rose. It's not for you to tell."

"But Lannah he'll find out-"

"No, he won't. Go to sleep."

I turn over in my bed, not wanting to continue this conversation with Rose. I was at the Burrow for the last night of summer. All of the cousins are here and we're all going to the train station together tomorrow. Tomorrow I start my fifth year at Hogwarts. My only hope is that it will be better than fourth year. I know it will be though, although I'm nervous about seeing Scorpius again.

He had spent his fourth year at Ilvermorny as planned, and is returning to Hogwarts this year. At first I was simply nervous to see him after so long, but after what happened in June... I now have to worry about keeping the incident from him. Because it won't end well if he finds out.


"Albus, we have to board the train," I insist.

It was the next morning, and the Hogwarts Express was about to leave, but we hadn't spotted Scorpius yet.

"She's right Albus. The train is going to leave without us." Rose pulls on his arm and we board the train.

"I'm sure he'll turn up, it's not as if he decided to spend another year at Ilvermorny for some reason," I say.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Estelle managed to convince him," Albus mutters.

I purse my lips at the mention of Estelle's name. According to Scorpius' letters, he had found a girlfriend during his time at the American Wizarding school. I try not to take Albus' comment to heart, but I had also thought about that. What if she really had such an effect on him that he stayed? Would he really? Without telling us-

Albus throws his arms around Scorpius as we spot him in our usual compartment on the train. I breathe a sigh of relief.

"I was worried you guys wouldn't board the train in time," he says as he gives Rose a quick hug.

My eyes widen slightly at the sound of his voice. It was deeper than the last time I saw him. And he was even taller too, it seemed as if he grew each year. When he finally pulls me into a hug I have to go on my tippy toes to put my arms around his shoulders. The feeling of being next to him again was so comforting, but I pulled away before it became awkward.

"We were looking for you on the platform," I say as I take a seat next to Rose.

The train suddenly lurches forward and we begin moving.

"Sorry," Scorpius laughs, "I assumed you would have bored already! I didn't mean for you guys to nearly miss the train."

Albus waves away his comments.

"Don't worry about it-"

"Tell us about Ilvermorny!" Rose says, cutting Albus off. "Were the Americans nice?"

"Were the American girls... you know," Albus wiggles his eyebrows, earning a slap on the arm from Rose.

"What?" Albus says, putting his arms up in surrender.

Scorpius begins to tell us about his time in America. The food was worse, the classes were easier and the Professors were the same- but he doesn't mention Estelle. I almost wished he did. Were they still together or did they break things off when he left? Was he in love with her?

As Rose fills him in on the events of the past year at Hogwarts, I look around the compartment at my three best friends. I smile to myself, thinking about our first year here. We were just a few 11 year old kids. I had no idea I was even related to Albus back then, and I never would have guessed to meet anyone like Scorpius.

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