C.6 Christmas

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"Oh please, he writes to you more than he does to either of his kids."

"Does not!" I say hitting Albus on the arm.

Albus and Scorpius are walking with me to the owelry so I can send a letter to Harry. It's been a month of me and him sending letters.
Albus says he cares more about me than him, which is so untrue.
"Are you sending him two letters this time?" Scorpius says eyeing the two letters I'm holding.

After our walk the other night, me and Scorpius had became somewhat friends. It's been about two months and I've now been spending quite a bit of time with him and Albus when I'm not with Rose and Cian.

"Actually, it's for my parents," I say. I pretend not to notice the confused look Albus gives to Scorpius. They both know I don't like talking about my parents very much.
As we walk up the snowy steps to the owlery I decide to explain my thoughts to them.
"It's almost the holidays. I decided if they are going to refuse to send me a letter, I'll send one to them," I say.

"This is the first letter you're sending? They haven't sent you one letter?" Albus asks in surprise.

Scorpius answers for me, "She thinks they're embarrassed to send letters to a wizarding school with an owl. They're in denial," he says.

I nod.
"And that's why in this letter I'm telling them I'm staying here for the holidays," I state.
The boys stop walking.

"You're not going home?" Albus asks.

"Why should I? Do you think they really want to see their devil daughter?" I roll my eyes as I give the two letters to my owl, Eden.

"Um, Alannah, maybe you should think about this. They probably miss you-"

"If they missed me they would've sent me a letter. They're my parents, I'm an eleven year old girl in a new school and they couldn't send one piece of paper making sure I arrived okay? It's been four months guys. Four months." I stare at the boys, waiting for one of them to challenge me but they don't. They stay quiet as I send off my owl.

"Did you tell him about Harry?" Scorpius asks as we make our way back to the castle.

"The cousins he kept a secret from me? Yes I did. I don't know how thick he must be to think I
wouldn't find out," I answer.

The rest of the walk back to the castle is silent until Rose spots us in the courtyard and joins us.
"One more week of school until holidays! Aren't you guys excited?" She asks, not noticing the gloomy tone among the three of us.

"Yeah, it'll be fun," Albus says unenthusiastically.

"Rose, want to go to the library?" I ask, hoping to get out of this awkward situation.
I hate when people feel pity for me and I know that's exactly what Albus and Scorpius feel right now.

"Yes! I wanted to run my DADA homework answers by you.  Think I got most right, but you seem to have a better concept of this material than me..." I zone out of her babbling as we walk together to the library, leaving the boys in the snowy courtyard.
Two days before the Holidays began I received a letter from my owl. It dropped it on the table during breakfast.

"How does it feel to be pen pals with Harry Potter?" Sean asks. I shrug.

"Well, I suppose it's nice to know I have a wizard family. And he answers all my questions, asks how classes are-" I stop talking mid sentence as I turn over the letter and see it isn't from Harry. It's from Mum and Dad.
Sean continues talking as I open the letter. It's only one piece of paper half filled.

Dear Allannah,
Glad to hear from you. Your mother told me to apologize for not writing, we weren't quite sure how,

I roll my eyes at this. They had been told exactly how they could contact me.

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