C.8 Welcome Back

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I never thought I'd be capable of disappointing my mother at twelve years old, but the look on her face after I tell her I'm going for quidditch next year proves me wrong.

"It's- that's a sport?" She asks, after I explain.

"Well yes, a wizard sport," I say for the millionth time, "You know Uncle Harry used to pl-"

"Uncle Harry? Alannah please, you barely know the man," my mother abruptly gets up from the dinner table and begins putting away the dishes.
I glance at dad for reassurance but he only places his head in his hands.

This is how most evenings have gone since I've been home for summer. I overshare, my mother gets upset and my dad stays quiet. I should have listened to Scorpius talking about wizarding things. But it was so important to me, how could I not tell my parents?

"A dangerous game at a dangerous school," my mother says under her breath while putting the dishes in the dishwasher.

"Sarah, please-"

"No Dudley. It's wrong. It is wrong. All of it," she says.

"Well I'm sorry my happiness seems so wrong to you," I say.
I get up from the table and go to my room before my mom has a chance to respond.

My room is where I've been spending most of my days. My friends from town miss me I suppose, but I don't like lying to them about where I've been all year so I avoid them mostly.
I glance at an unopened letter I have on my desk.
Eden, my owl, has been delivering me letters throughout the summer and the look on my parents face is priceless every time. I don't think they can grasp the concept that we have to write letters, because where my friends live the magic messes with frequencies which prevents them from using electronics. I've explained this multiple times, but they don't listen. I'm just grateful mum hasn't given Eden away to a zoo yet.

I sigh and grab the letter and lay down on my bed as I tear it open. It's from Rose.

I hope your summer has been as great as mine has! A few weeks ago, I visited mum's muggle town where she grew up. It was amazing! I can't believe you live in places like that every day, you are so lucky!

I roll my eyes. She has no idea how unlucky it is. I wish she knew how grateful she should be to be born into a wizard family. I spend most days dreaming about a different life where I grew up with my cousins. Knowing Uncle Harry, listening to his stories of his years at Hogwarts. Rose is so lucky and never realizes. 

Summer has been great, but I am excited to get back to Hogwarts. I've had enough of James' practical jokes for one summer.
Can you believe there's only two weeks until we start second year?

Two weeks? Really? I glance at my calendar and count the days until September first, and of course Rose is right. Well, not anymore. I waited a few days to read her letter, so now it's under two weeks. Even better! I immediately feel better and continue reading her letter with a smile.

What day are you planning on going to Diagon Alley for your things? Please tell me you can go on the 27th! That's when I'm going, but Scorpius is going to meet up with Albus and I won't allow you to leave me alone with the two of them. Write back as soon as you get this!
With love,

I glance at the date she wrote the card and wince at how long I waited to respond. I quickly grab a pen and paper- mum and dad put away my parchment and quills for the summer- and write back to Rose.
I tell her I'll be able to go with her on the 27th. I haven't asked my parents but I'm sure they'll be more than happy to not accompany me to Diagon Alley.
I seal my envelope and open my window before letting Eden out of her cage to deliver my letter.
I watch her fly until she gets smaller and smaller, and then out of sight.
I look at the time and decide to get into bed.

I change into my pajamas and snuggle in bed with "Quidditch through the ages". Scorpius sent it to me, he said it was his dads. I've been sending letters to Scorpius all summer, all though he takes long to respond. I was so excited when he sent this book with Eden.
There's plenty of new quidditch books now but this is still rumored to be the most informative.
Reading it makes me more and more excited to try out for quidditch. I haven't told anyone yet, but I plan to go for a seeker on the team. I'm worried my flying isn't nearly good enough but it's truly the only spot I want on the team. 
In one of Uncle Harrys letters he told me about how he became seeker in first year! He must have been amazing. He told me about their great win in third year and his crazy captain Oliver Wood.

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