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I'm...running? Where am I going? Where am I? All I see is pitch black. Where is everyone else? I hear something. Something scary. What are these sounds? All I hear is screaming now. Please stop screaming. What was that? An explosion? What are these sounds? More screaming. More explosions. Where is everyone. I see someone...I see someone! Hey! Can you hear me? Can you help me? Hey! Look behind you! Wait you look familiar.. wait.. Your face...Your hands and clothing...Is that...your blood? No...Don't tell me... Techno?  

I gasped and arose from my sleep in a close sweat and looked outside. 

The moon still shines.

I sit still on the bed I lay, and begin to shake. A horrible pitch black dream...or perhaps a nightmare. I sit there for a little while longer and then gently glide my feet over the edge of my bed. I stand but my knees still shake slightly. I grab a cardigan and opened the door to a breezy hallway.

I walk towards the stairs and see the front gates open. I hid behind the grand pillars and look over the edge. I see Technoblade talking to what looks like another person. 

"Kinda cringe you guys came to me for help than anyone else in your surrounding area"


"Look Techno if you see anyone by the name 'Y/N' I suggest you turn her in big man..."

I then realize what was happening. I look to the side and see a tall, blond and young looking guard. The same guard I was running away from.

"I dont even understand why you need her so badly- what you got a crush or something?"





I see him storm out of the doorway and techno closing the doors back. He looks behind and quickly look away.

"I saw you Y/N...Come out"

"hnnng...I swear I wasnt being noseyyy" I whine

"Well it seems like you were. It's okay though, not like we were discussing about anything important anyways. However, I would suggest you not do that often." He said coming up the stairs. 

"You wont have to worry about that much anyways, I'm heading back home anyways" I said looking away


There was a weird silence for a bit

"Welp- I'll go back to sleep now" 

"Yeah sorry for waking you but yeah yeah, good night"

I chuckle "Night" 


Y/N said her goodnight back and walks back to her room. 

I go to my room to hang up my cloak and walk back out to my potion room. I enter quietly and make sure no one sees.

I make invisibility potions and strength potions for her, as well as weakness and turtle master. It's not like I mean anything by them...just making her a farewell gift.

Honestly think it's kinda funny how she just constantly steals from them and successfully gets away. So these potions should help her out a bit and I'll write down how to make them as well. I set up a chest and put the potions, gapples, some diamonds, and one netherite ingot.  After I set up the gift I went to my room and got ready for bed. 

For once, I fell asleep quite easily and waited for the next day. 



I awoke early and stole some bread from Technos kitchen. I then got my things ready and saw techno in the main floor. 

"Morning Techno!" I  greeted with a smile

"Morning Y/n" He smiled back 

"You got everything ready?"



"w ha t-"

Techno moves away and there was a single chest that had a sign on it saying
"From: T" 

I look at it questioningly and looked at Techno confused.

"It's for you. Just open it already" he said while moving away

"pfft- okay" I smile and open the chest

"WOAH" Inside the chest I saw the jewels and gapples and potions in the chest.  I looked at him once again, asking again if it was all for me. He just darted his gaze towards the chest and back at me. I smile and took the gifts and chest. After, I stood up and gave techno a warm smile.

"Thank you Techno! I'll pay you back!"

"Aahh, I mean if you insist" he said chuckling a bit

I laugh and walked to the door. He opened the door for me and walked me down the beautiful path he had stopped once we reached the woods.

"Thanks for walking me!" I smiled

"Of course." He said smiling back

I was filled with adrenaline all of a sudden due to immense happiness. I smiled one more time at him and started running through the woods. Then, from behind me I hear him shout



SORRY FOR THIS BEING A LATE CHAPTER. School is being a pain and I have to write this on my comp so that's fun. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed. It means a lot when I see you guys add my book to your guys's lists! It makes me motivated and happy to keep writing ^_^ <3

My princess // Technoblade X Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now