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I wake up to a bright sunlit room. Birds sang and my face felt soft from the morning glow.

its a shame i live in a c a v e-

I put on my usual attire and walked out of the door to the bathroom to wash up.
After that, I headed downstairs and smelled something delicious.

I followed the scent, and it lead to the kitchen. I opened the door to see techno cooking for what looks like a meal for two.

"Hey Techno" i said

"Ah! Good morning Y/n. How did you sleep?"
he asked

i walked to the table and sat down
"I slept well, hopefully you did as well?"

he smiled a bit
"I slept like a baby fox." He put the food on the plates and walked over to the table.

"thats good, im glad" I smiled and thanked him for the food.

He smiles and we began to eat in a comfortable silence

It was all well till..

"Hey.." techno suddenly spoke


"About..last night...im really sorry you had to witness that." he said looking at me

he looked guilty and upset.

"Techno..its really okay. Everything is okay"

"I know its just... i really wish you didn't see me like that.."

i stop eating and hesitantly placed my hands on top of technos. He flinched a bit but didn't move.

He looked at me with a confused yet soft look in his eyes

"Techno whatever happened, happened. It's okay to be vulnerable, and to show ur vulnerability. You're a person. A fraction of this life, thats meant to feel. Don't worry about it"

I took my hand off of his and smiled at him. He looks at me a bit before smiling back

After that we began to talk as normal. A comforting conversation that lasted for some time.

The front door was knocked

"oh, excuse me for a moment" Techno said as he walks out

I nodded and sat there for a bit...but...I was curious. I wanted to see who was at the door-

however..curiosity kills the fox...
eh its probably not bad

I got up and peeked out of the kitchen to see who was at the door

It's..this guy...again...ah what was his name?

I hear techno and him laugh a bit..they must be good friends..


Phil! thats his name right? Yeah yeah..whys he here?

I got a bit closer to listen to what they were talking about

I hear techno and Phil talk a bit quietly, not super but a bit

".....tommy came here..." i hear techno say

".....l'manburg.....tommy...." i hear philza say

i try to get closer

"....someone is here....kicthen"

i stood there for a bit and panicked

"......meet them?......."


i quickly walk back to the kitchen; trying to make as little noise as possible and sit back down on my chair as if i hadn't moved at all

Techno and Phil walk in

"Phil, this is Y/n!" Techno leads Phil infront of me. I stand up and shake his hand

"Helloo"  Phil said

"Hi!" I responded

"She's been kinda staying here for a bit whenever, she literally lives in a hole in the ground so this is the least i could do" Techno said

"HEY its comfy"

Phil laughs

We talked a bit and soon it was night time

"Do you need to go home?"
Phil asks

"I'll get going yeah, it was such a pleasure to meet you Philza"

I shake his hand and smile

I got my belongings and walked towards the door; phil and techno following behind

"It was nice to spent some time with you..uhm y/n" techno said lightly scratching his cheek

i laugh a bit
"likewise ya dummy" I flick his nose

he rubbed his nose and made a little faint pig sound but then smirked

"Again, it was nice to meet you" Phil smiled

"It was a pleasure to meet you as well"

As i left the home i started waking to where my home was located.
It was a quite and breezy night. All the animals have slept and nothing but the sound of crickets and the cool breeze could be heard.

As I was making my way through the forest i suddenly heard something


i turn around immediately and stopped my tracks.

I observe and listen to my surrounds for anything.
Heavy breathing
Intense heart beat
Sticks or leaves being rumbled

I started snapping the area around me, to see if the sounds would change.

But nothing.

Maybe it was me who stepped on the stick

Cant help but feeling like i am being watched however.

I walk a few more steps and decided

im not going home

i dont feel safe. This feeling like i was being watched, hunted down, monitored, i hate this feeling.

So, instead of going home, I found a lake near a village and slept on the ground.

I laid down under the mysterious sky.
Filled with bursts of light..
A light I wish to want of my own.

I am a very independent woman ! I dont need anyone else,


i suppose..it would be nice to have someone be my star.

There are so many stars that fill the sky and yet...I want one of my own.

Is that selfish?

am i selfish?

I shook off my thoughts and looked around one more time to see if anyone was there,
then i closed my eyes and fell asleep

My princess // Technoblade X Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now