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Y/n please wait for me.

I rode all the way to the assumed area, theres only really one place that i can recall where there was an Acadia biom and a large body of water and mountains.

I arrived to what i believe was the location,, although the directions were very cryptic, i have a feeling she's not far.
I dont even care anymore. Everything hurts, i'm so sorry y/n..

I get on a boat and start sailing,, i dont even really know where to go,, i'm just gonna follow my gut. Any place that I see that gives me a shaking feeling i will check.

I sailed for a good while, slowly losing my way of thinking normally. I was frantic, anxious and impatient. I can't believe i let her be taken so easily.

Im such a fool. Im a damn fool.

I can feel my chest get heavy and my eyes feel a slight sting.
I take deep breaths and recollect myself as much as I can. The thought of y/n being hurt in any way was all that was pacing my mind.

The voices,, i can hear them.

I try to shake them off.

Absolutely not. I will not allow them to talk.

Its been a couple of days since y/n has went missing.

I stopped at a bunch of mountains and searched the area. No luck. I search and search and search but I cannot find her anywhere. This is breaking me.

i never felt so alone.

I stopped and climbed a mountain top and continue to search; trying to hang onto the hope that I have.
I then found something. I noticed some thing was,,out of place.

My heart beats rapidly and I dug and dug and dug. I came across bedrock,,but it wasn't anything lower than y-8,,,

I dig around it and  ended up finding obsidian. I keep digging and digging. Whatever this is, its really annoying to deal with.

But i have hope.

I dig till suddenly, the floor around me disappeared. I reflexed and pearled to the ground instead of just falling.

"owch,,jesus how do I feel so old when im
only like- 21-"
I walk around to see what was around.
A big open space,,gold squares on the floor with two item frames,,, weird.
I noticed that there was an ominous dark hallway just in the middle of the build

"well- isn't that convenient..Hello?? Anyone here??"
I say

No response.

"Hellooo! Anyone out here???"


A voice,,
It sounded very faint and almost hurt

"y-yeah hello?? Who are you??"
I say walking through the hall

goddamn its so dark,,

"Is that,,,is that really you..T-techno?"


"Y-Y/n im here!! Where are you??"
I then hear chains rattle and I follow the sound till I reach cold iron bars
I then feel cold and shivered hands on mine, contradicting my warmth

"T-Techno,,,is that really you? I didn't die did i?"

"Y/n,,Y/n please is it you,,please I need to know for sure"

"Y-yeah,,,I can barely stand up,,i feel really weak.."

"Dear god what happened?? Oh y/n,,"


I immediately broke the bars and chains. I took y/n in my arms and rode my trident back up from where I came from.

When we got up, it was raining.. Just great.

I noticed that every water drop that was falling on her face, made her twitch a little. Almost as if she had already completely forgot what life outside was like behind these walls.

"Y/n,,,you're going to be okay."

We both got back on the boat, I gave her my cloak that I was wearing and put a lantern in front of her, so she can warm up a little.

I took us all the way back to the place,, It snowed when we arrived but I refused to let her walk in the cold.

I carried her back inside my the cabin when we made it, I immediately took her to the bathroom and set her down at the tub.

"y/n,, can you look at me?" I ask seriously and softly
She lifted her head slowly as hair falls between her face.
I pushed her hair away gently, I held her face. She looked so fragile, like she could fall apart any moment.

The more I looked at her,
The more I saw what she had endured.

The more they spoke.



You failed to protect her.

This is ALL your fault.

I then snap out of it.
Y/Ns face was buried in my palm and she looked like she was about to cry.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Y/n,,,uhm,,You should maybe take a long bath and,,rest.."

I flashed a smile and as I was about to get up, she gripped my shirt.

"I dont want to be alone right now,,"

"Y/n,,I cant be here when you bathe-" I chuckle

She looked away from me and said softly

"w-why not?"

My face turned a thousand shades of red and I tried to cover my face with my hand as I looked away from her.

"A-Are you sure?,," I say trying to look back at her

I saw that she was looking directly at me now,,
Her eyes are so beautiful,,

She looked so helpless,, and lonely.

I cant,,leave her. Not anymore.

"Please..." She whispered to me with watery eyes.

I sigh and flashed a smile.
I shook my head and chuckled

"Alright,, fine."


Sorry to burst yalls bubble but no smut
(i mean- unless yall want it but u gotta lmk💀)

Have a happy Lunar New year
and happy black history month too

My princess // Technoblade X Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now