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its cold.

im cold.

my head hurts, and my feet hurt too.
I opened my eyes and slightly sat up, rubbing my head
Where am i? what happened? my head.. is it bleeding?

I then look at my hand, and see and blood splotch on it where I was supposedly hit.

"ugh,,what even happened.. last thing i remember was..seeing techno and...smoke..and then i woke up here."

I sigh and sit up
its so dark...Where am i? I cant see anything...

I reach my hand out and feel a cold bar. I assume its iron bars.

"wow, im trapped again? bruhh thats so lame-"
I try to feel my surroundings, and see if there was an escape.

Nope- im stuck here

I also realized that my things were taken- wow thats just-
s o fun

I then hear faint footsteps walking closer to me,,
i got kinda spooked but i stood my ground.
The Lights turned on and the hallway i was apparently in, lit up dimly

I managed to see who was approaching me,
a tall man in a green cloak thingy and a mask was walking towards me with what looks like food and a bucket

what the fuck-

"Morning sunshine, i brought some things for you. Dont try anything and i wont hurt you."
He opened up the bars and i shoved him and booked it

I ran down the hallway and realized i was trapped in an obsidian room.
I couldnt process much and was speechless
I seriously had no fucking clue where i was, nor why im even here

"Dont be so difficult, i wont hesitate to hurt you"
I hear the man walk down the hall towards me

"WHY AM I EVEN HERE-" i yelled
I immediately went into full fucking panic mode, and started getting really aggressive and nervous.

"You're needed here."

"what the fuck does that even mean dude, I DONT KNOW YOU."

"you dont need to know me"
He approaches me closely and i kept backing away

"Dude, back the FUCK up"
I yell at him

"You need to get back to your cage"
He says still approaching me
"You're needed here"

"what is exactly 'here'??"

He starts approaching me, and i continue to back up.
He then starts running at me, and i try running back.
He attempts to grab me, i duck but he ended up tripping me by my foot

I fall on my face and he apprehends me
I struggle to get out of his grasp
"I told you to not be so difficult, now you're just being a brat."

"LET ME GO DICK" i yell, struggling more

He grips my hair and brought my face up, and talked in my ear
"I said it before, i wont hesitate to hurt you. Be difficult again, i dare you."
He then drops my head and my face hits the ground again.
My nose starts bleeding and he lifts me to my feet

"Try to kick your way out, and i'll get rid of your legs." He said as he forced me to walk back to the iron cage

"your food is in the bucket, im sure you can assume what the bucket is for."
He threw me back into the cage, my body was sore and i slumped down, looking at him with a death glare

"Awe, it looks like you got hurt. Good thing its just a bloody nose." He said as he grabs my chin and lifts it, examining the bleeding

"Who the fuck are you?"
i say angrily, as i move my face away from his hands

"I run this world."

I laugh at his response


"You'll understand soon."
He gets up and you realized i can actually see whats surrounding you

"who..is henry?"

I asked

He laughs and closes the cage.

"Just why am i here?? You didn't answer me."

He walks away and says
"You have value, think of it as a trophy shelf. You are a prize you know?"

"gee how nice, you fucking bastard."


A/N: WOOO LESSGO ik this one was kinda short but i hope its alright :,)

I wanna say thanks to everyone who has been so patient with me and let me take breaks :]
You guys truly lift me and motivate me to keep writing, thank you everyone who stayed and kept reading and showing support.

Updates are going to be kind of slow since school is starting and im not fully recovered from my predicament.

Thank you everyone who continues to show me support :,]

Stay tuned !


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